CH20 - Self Reflection. . .

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Three orbs floated out of the Gates of Decision, but as soon as they left the range of that area, like they were cannon balls they shot into the sky and carried themselves to the Living World, leaving a long line of silver in the sky as they showed themselves onto the dark night with many humans probably making a wish since they looked so much like graceful shooting stars from afar.

However, once they disappeared from the public eyes, their shine fades and eventually lands onto into the depths of the woods carefully and most importantly, quietly.

"Well, this a sight." Commented one of the SDF soldiers with teal blue hair, Shunjun, as he, and his comrades got off from the grass they are standing, or at least from the ashes that was left of it. "The captain wasn't exaggerating when he informed us about what that Mazoku girl's tantrum was able to do." He commented on as his eyes scanned the burned trees that can barely hold themselves together, or at the lake that was halfway frozen and halfway melted, but still with the remaining ice spikes that could pierce through the thick tension as well with ease.

"And to think that this is just only the tip of the iceberg." Added onto Rinbai, the man with purple locks as his hand bravely went to examine the sharp ice cycles that hadn't melted away yet, but still sticks out of the pond water. "Such irony." He commented under his breath as the tip of his index finger tapped the nail sharp top of the ice a few times, potentially making his finger tip bleed if he would have allowed his curiosity for once second to fool around and let himself be careless enough to do that.

The only female of the group sighed to herself in exasperation before she lifted up her arm and began to push buttons on her advanced spy watch that they had gotten for this mission. After a few taps later she eventually got the settings she was looking for before getting the map and the targets that her team will be looking for.

"Let's not fool around and get into the mission." Ryūhi informed the two males with a strict voice before pressing a few more buttons on her gadget. While she was doing that though her ears caught her comrades' groans of boredom. "Stop whining and just get to work." The men reluctantly agreed with her, right before a white aura began to surround her entire being and soon, she turned invisible to the world, but to her co-workers her outline was still visible, so in that way they won't completely lose one another.

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"You know, we wouldn't be doing this if the others were able to get the task done previously." Commented the man in blue hair as his other comrade behind him pushed the same buttons and made himself turn invisible as well. "In fact, if I had stayed instead of playing gate keeper, I would have finished those monsters off without hesitation."

"Oh, here we go again." At that Rinbai rolled his eyes in amusement. "Watch out everybody, the 'Legend' has arrived." He sarcastically announced it to no one but the bugs, birds and the leaves while earning a snarl from Shunjun who did not like his mocking joke one bit.

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