CH18 - The Feeling Of Guilt

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Once we got inside the healing room, I placed my younger sibling carefully onto the mattress while my eyes were scanning her form in case there is some major damage, wound that I don't know of. There was none thankfully, on the outside at least. . . however, that did not mean that can't see the wounds that are deep within her heart as well. . . And that's clear as day. . .

Although, what I am mostly curious about is what kind of crap could have possibly set the alarm off within her to end up exploding everything around her like that?

What could have hurt her this badly. . . ?

My question was met with a tiny whimper that came from Miyuki's lips. I turn my head toward her, and I see her face all scrunched up with the sweat drops just rolling form his forehead.

I feel my stomach drop at her state and my hand automatically went to reach for her, try to offer some comfort to her to ease up or at least distract her from the pain she is feeling right now, but I stopped by my reflexes that ordered me to flinch back at the sudden loud sound of wood sliding that came from behind me.

"Leave it kid and bring her to the healing pool over there!" A very familiar cranky voice told me off from behind. I whipped my head around to see Yukina standing beside at the other grandma, who held the stink eye. Even though she was blind, I knew she meant to give that look to me. I feel my eyebrows arching up in question, and judging from her tone, I feel like I am not her favorite child right now for some reason.

But why? I didn't do anything this time! I was actually trying to help my damn sister here.

However, I bit my tongue for the time being and obey the old fossil's orders. I carefully scooped up my sibling for the second time and cautiously laid her down into the water. It wasn't deep, but I still held head up from the back, just to make sure she won't drown or wake up in any way. I'm even surprised she didn't slap me for putting her into the cold water. But then I saw the pained expression remaining on her face still. Not only that but her neck muscles feel a bit hard, tense making my worries spark up once again.

As I was holding Miyu's head up, I watch the water glow brightly with energy, a wave that was moving back and forth by Yara's hand motions like a scanner. 

Yukina also participated into this whole ritual as well

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Yukina also participated into this whole ritual as well. She put a hand on top of Miyuki's forehead and stomach area. The little demon girl's hands began to glow in a light blue colour, the sight making me shiver slightly. 


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