CH9 - Invitation To Demon World

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As I was sitting in my seat with my gaze looking outside of the glass, my mind swims around the many random thoughts that had been piling up recently, probably trying to find something, anything to take my mind off of the anxiety that had been assaulting me for the past minutes or so. 

'Just. . . breathe Ruby. . .' I told myself mentally as I eventually had the will to close my eyes and take a deep breath. 'Just breath. . .'

Yes. . . But still, that nervousness was still lurking in there. . . That usual gut feeling that sometimes tells me that something bad is about to happen. . .

I mean could you blame me? 

Ever since I met Yusuke and Miyuki, life had been full of adventure to say the least. . . 

Just as I am able to think more about it, I feel the train suddenly came to a stop, right before the announcer informed us about the destination we are at the moment.

My stop.

Another deep breath later I got up from my seat and left through the door, but as soon as I was outside, the nervousness came back to me. But it didn't last long because of the handsome figure that stood under the pillar's shadows.

"You arrived just in time my Little Lotus." Greeted me the gentle voice before the figure stepped out of the shadows to reveal his glorious features that I can't get enough of. That Rose-red hair dancing in the gentle breeze while he was looking really sharp in his elegant clothing, not to mention even more handsome. I feel my heart pounding inside my ribcage while my face warms up. And just as I thought, I couldn't explode anymore than this with butterflies and emotions, the smile he shot at me just made my heart burst again while I feel my knees becoming jelly. "You look ravishing." I hear his compliments through his lips, and once more I feel my heart running a marathon of it's own while my face might have turned in every shade of red by every passing millisecond.

Eventually, I was able to snap myself out of the daze and collect myself as much as possible.

"T-thank you." I meekly replied, and I see him flash me an amused smile.

"Let's get going, shall we?" He suggested before he pulled out another beautiful purple rose from his red locks, a flower that is identical to the one that he had secretly placed inside that temple's vase. I looked at it before my gaze turned to him. I nodded my head, and my smile returned bravely.

A small gesture that I was able to return to him.

"Okay." I breathed out, sounding a little shaky. I see him smile back at me warmly before he lift his arm, and offer it to me. I took it with grace with one hand while taking the rose as well into my other hand.

"Let's not make them wait." Kurama said these words right before our legs carried us outside of the station and later on we found ourselves walking down the empty streets.

Not gonna lie, I still feel nervous about this whole dinner meeting, but at least now I have Kurama by my side, and with him, I can feel like everything is possible. . .

Like nothing can come to knock me down. . .

Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fire ~ Book4 [DISCONTINUED] {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now