🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Month Everyone!🏳️‍🌈

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Hoi everyone,

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Hoi everyone,

It's been a while hasn't it?

Time is sure moving fast along with our journey that we make in this world. But like many, there are some things that will come to an end sooner or later.

At the moment I am still working on the University Projects that I will soon present that probably by the end of June, and even so I cannot believe that how far I had come and how soon I will reach the end of an adventure. 

But one thing for sure, that no matter where I go, I will always do my best to be true to myself while working on learning to love and accept myself as I am.

So for this occasion I decided to participate into this month's celebration a bit by doing a little sketch about my head canon of Kurama (BI), and my OC baby, Miyuki (PAN or PANROMANTIC), celebrating Pride Month together like the best friends they are ^^. I am still new to this area, have a lot to learn and I'm still trying to figure things out about myself, but I want to let you know that I love and accept you the way you are, no matter what, and don't let anyone shame you or guilt you for being YOU.

Love who you love, 

Do what you love,

And don't forget to love yourself as well.

Screw the rest and be you.


Happy Pride Month Everybody!

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