CH10 - What To Chose. . . ? - Part1

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Once I got close to the edge of the small river I was at, I began to take off the bandages from my neck since it is now healed completely. When it all went off, I looked down at the water reflection and with it's help I now see  the wound had left some faith marks. However, as I was staring at it, all I could think about is Miyuki being selfless again by taking the courage to use her Water-Bending abilities again, despite the fact that how much pain that brought to her in the first place and how it happened again. . . But unlike last time, I noticed how she had that small confidence in her eyes while she was using it . . .

It wasn't like back at the time when we first fought with each other. How she was forced to use it, because that's the only ability she can use, rely on. . .

In this instance, she held her head high and trusted herself for once, even for a short time. . . Meaning she is finally started to heal properly from the trauma that kept chasing her for years. . . And at that thought, I couldn't help but let a small smile of pride slip out of me. Mainly because I believed-no. . . I knew she had the strength to overcome it on her own. . .

But then out of a sudden, a thought made me pause for a second, my face dropping that smile while my hand subconsciously reached for the ring that is miraculously still around my neck and close to my core.

'I want you to have it for the time being. No refunds this time.' She told me as I remember the dreadful day of our separation. 'However, if something happens and you. . . did end up changing your mind, return it. But if you didn't, you keep it. Just. . . let me know about what happens. . . deal?' Even after telling her that I will wait for her, she still gave me this chance of leaving. 

When I first heard the conditions, I was baffled for sure, because I want us to work, and from her eyes, I can tell that she was thinking about the same. . . feeling the same way as I do. . . but after I was able to clear my thoughts in this long distance 'relationship'. . . If I can even call it that. . . I can now understand the reasons. . .

She is scared of the future and what life will bring to us. . . And how it will end up tearing us apart either way. . . And thinking about it. . . I for once in my life couldn't help but feel a little afraid of it as well because of how the future can be so unpredictable. . .

Will I be able to get back home? But if I do then what will happen to Miyuki? What will happen to us?

Maybe I can bring her along, and it would be no problem with her since she is half-demon, but that would be selfish of me since she had friends and family in the world that I despise the most.

But the biggest question of all remains a mystery to me still. . .

Do we. . . even still have the chance to be together?

How can this be solved. . . ?

I let out a sigh and placed the ring back under my scarf and shirt while I try not to think about this too hard. 

While doing this, I also thought about maybe checking on her again. 

But, just I was about to reach for my bandana to see my Phoenix with the Jagan's help, I froze in my actions as soon as I sensed someone's energy approaching me from behind.

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