CH25 - Finally Be Open - Part3

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A/N: Forgot to mention this in the last chapter, but thank you @Rosentic_xo very much For helping me getting back into the writing game, and sort my ideas out when I had my struggles. 

Love you babe, and please everyone check out her profile where you can see her incredible journey with her own YYH Fanfic Series.


The others, in hiding, held their breath once more.

The Fox-Demon eyes focused on the Urameshi girl's complexion which is still decorated by tear stains.

Ruby's body went rigid by the suspense in the air. . .

Yusuke and Kuwabara leaned their face a little closer to the scene out of curiosity and unease. . .

Everyone waited for the Urameshi girl to speak up again. Even the forest around them decided to generously offer her the silence to listen to what she has to say. . .

Then at last, what felt like eternal, Miyuki's lips finally parted. . . but. . .

"I. . ." Her meek voice causes the atmosphere to freeze like ice, but before the next words could be pushed out, those dark-brown orbs of hers began spilling tears again. "I just. . ." Her lips swerved up in a funny shape as the Miyuki attempted to keep on talking, but as Kurama's emerald eyes kept on observing her with that soft expression that reflects his sympathy, it made it difficult for her to keep it together. . . Her borders were finally crushed into bits and pieces, leaving nothing but the dust of her old poisonous ways that always told her to keep her feelings in no matter what. "I. . ." Everyone watched in stupefaction as the Strong Phoenix warrior they knew showed her weakness again. . .

She was bawling her eyes out with quiet sobs that were softened in her hands that automatically made their way up to her face.

The crying was not what stunned the people around her. It was her expression that is now mirroring the sentiments that are whirling within her core.

The ones she swore not to show ever again.

That genuine look of grief, hurt, despair. . . everything that she once concealed is now exposed. . .

"Miyuki. . ." Kurama breathed out her name softly as his hands ease up their grasp and slid down to the girl's upper arms. His eyes saddened at the sight, so he did what he thought was the best course of action.

He moved a step closer to the trembling figure, the gap between them no more, and suddenly Miyuki is ensnared in his warm embrace.

The Urameshi girl froze at the motion, but she surprisingly didn't resist it. Rather, she let her body lean into the hug, but then she found herself burying her face into his suit jacket with hands sticking onto the fabric and body shaking violently. The Fox-Demon was able to hear was his childhood friend's sobs, and for that, his arms went even tighter around her figure, not enough to break her, but enough to help her stay grounded.

Yusuke's heart hurt at the sight of it because she had done the same thing to him back at the temple. Cling onto him like he was the last thing from reality. And without any doubt, seeing that back then and now. . . it shattered him to the core.

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