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Maxons POV:
"Kriss sweetheart just choose a date it dosent matter as long as your happy." I tell her as I get up

"Ok so how about the 4th of January dose that sound good?" She questions. "Since we have pretty much have everything prepared except for the guest list." She lets out.

"Ok." I answer "whatever makes you happy"

I kiss her cheek and start walking out of the room.

"Hey, where are you going?" I hear

"Uhm nowhere sweetie let's meet with my mother in about a hour to go over the guest list." I say sweetly

"Ok love you"

"Love you too" I say or at least I hope I said it.

I walk towards where I'm hiding Marlee and Carter.

I've started talking to her or Aspen whenever I need someone to talk to, sometimes I go to my mother but most the time it's Marlee or Aspen.

I've actually come to like the dude as soon as America left and I fully realized what I had done I went to him.

I forced him to tell me everything that had happened and when he told me I really realized I had done a terrible thing.

"Marlee! Helllpppp!!!" I groan as I walk into her room.

"What now? Kriss asked you what color your cake frosting should be again" Marlee laughs.

"No, even worse she picked a wedding date." I say

"Ok.... and why should that matter to me I mean I wouldn't even be able to go." She lets out.

"It's in three weeks." I say coldly

I watch her roll her eyes and sigh.

"So why are you here again?"

"Because I don't know what to do. I would really rather not marry Kriss but I don't want to hurt her feelings and I don't think she would even invite America and and..." i start to ramble

"Why not just like say no at the alter or hire people to object the wedding." Marlee says annoyed

"Wait can I do that?!" I yelled.

"I don't know I'm just giving you ways to marry my best friend" she says softly.

"You know the one that's like heartbroken" she voices

"Ya I know that's why I'm trying to get her back." I ranted. "I have to go see ya later"

"Bye heartbreaker" Marlee jokes.

Ok chapter 2 is ended! How are you liking the story so far any edits you think I need to make?
-with all my love jelly signing off

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