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America's POV:
Two months later;
So far it's only 12 pm and I've felt absolutely terrible all day.

My back has been in in controllable pain and my pelvic area feels as it is going to fall off.

I'm nine months pregnant and I'm done. I just want to meet my two babies.

Maxon and I decided to say are name suggestions as I'm giving birth to try to calm me down.

"That's it I'm not getting up again today." I Yelp as I get onto the couch

"Americaa are you doing alright?"Marlee ask "you look like your in a lot of pain."

"I'm fine just the whole lower half of my body hurts a lot." I answer

"Hmmm... is there any uhm pressure down there?" She questions

I think for a moment "ya it was about every two hours or so but right now it's been about every 15 minutes."

"AMERICA!" Maxon yells running through the door

"I think your having contractions." Marlee finishes

"Apparently some guards said that you were LIMPING and WOBBLING and and that you almost sat in a chair but didn't and there was WATER!" Maxon worriedly screams.

"America your in Labor go to the medical wing." Marlee states

"Really? I just thought I peed." I blatantly say

Quickly Maxon springs into action.

"Marlee get the family and Lucy and Aspen." Maxon shouts while picking me up.

"Maxon put me down I'm fine I can walk most of the way there my self."I breathe through what I now know is a contraction.

"No bit putting you down until we get to the hospital." He kisses me on the head

We get to the hospital wing being the last people there.

"How did we all beat you two." May quickly says.

"I'm the only one that was walking with a 9 month pregnant women on his arms." Maxon chuckles and everyone else does but me.

I screech in pain which gets everyone's attention back on me.

Doctors check me and hook me up to all sorts of things and the pain is getting worse.

"While we wait till your fully dilated let's give each other are baby name suggestions." Maxon suggest we do.

I clench my teeth and nod.

Maxons pov:
She nodded and clenched her teeth giving my hand the tiniest break.

"Ok then we'll I was thinking of Marie for are little girl." I say.

"No." America says sternly

"I was thinking of Margaret" she pants out

Everyone decides that's a no and even America agrees.

"For a boy I was thinking Ahren" she says

"I was thinking Maxon jr." I laugh and get a scary look from America

"That's a dumb name Maxy boy." May says aloud.

"Ahren it is for baby boy." I said.

"Eadlyn is a pretty name." My mom speaks out.

America is very much out of breath because she's now getting ready to push a babies out of her but she smiles.

"I love that name mom thanks." I thank her

"Your welcome darling." She says back.

"Ok everyone but dad out of the room!" Doctor Ashalr shouts.

I get teary eyed as soon as I realized they said dad and not his majesty or king or Maxon.

I smile and kiss America's hand.

"Your going to do amazing." I whisper to her

With many pushes and many screams later baby one are beautiful Eadyln was born.

They cleaned her off and the nurse told me to unbutton my shirt so I could hold my baby on my chest while America finished giving birth.

"She's beautiful." I whisper.

America's POV:
Where is my baby I think to myself.

I look around and my eyes land on Maxon with a gorgeous baby girl on his chest his hand in mine and tears in his eyes.

I quickly capture the moment and I remember I'm still in absolutely terrible pain and there's a another child to push out.

I go back to heavy breathing screaming and squeezing the life out of my husband's hand.

7 minutes after my litter girl my little boy Ahren comes into the world.

As soon as he's cleaned up he's put on my chest and they also give me my Eady to.

"You did it dear." Maxon whispers and kisses my head.

I smile and look at my bundles of joy.

"I think the nickname 'love' has been stolen from you by Eadlyn." He softly chuckles.

"As long as I'm still your dear."I sigh.

A/n: the twins are born! Ok so there's going to be a chapter after this and a epilogue/thank you hopefully written and posted tomorrow. I'm really glad you stuck around for this past like two months.I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading!
-with all my love jelly signing off 💕💕

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