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                        The wedding pt 1!
Maxons pov:
I was barely able to sleep last night.

I just can't hold in my nerves and excitement, I'm getting married to the love of my life today.

Like once a hour I get really nervous and think that America might back out but I know she won't.

NOTHING can go wrong today I think whole getting ready.

I make my way downstairs once I'm done getting ready and go into the parlor near the where the wedding is taking place.

Since America and I love the gardens we've decided that are wedding will be in the gardens.

I have about a 20 minute wait until I have to go outside since guest are still bing seated so I watch them from a window.

20 minutes later
I make my way down the aisle and great guest I hug my mother and I stand in place waiting for the music to start.

America's POV:
I was woken up to lots and lots of noise and movements.

As soon as my eyes opened I was rushed into a bath where I was lathered up in lotions and my hair was washed and detangled.

When my bath was finished Anne placed a robe on me and rushed me into the very crowed bedroom.

Celeste was getting her hair and nails done whiles May was getting her final outfit touches.

It looked like a bunch of girls getting ready for prom but instead of them getting themselves ready there's like 20 maids getting everyone ready.

Whiles Anne was doing my hair Lucy had started my make up which is light makeup for a wedding but heavier makeup for me personally. Marry had started getting my jewelry and dress ready.

Everything started to feel so real. I'm getting married to someone who until like a two years ago I never thought I could even see in real life.

My hair had been styled in a half up half down with a twisted crown on my head and the rest of my hair falling down my back with a few strands in my face.

All the other girls have finished getting ready and decided to sit on the bed while I got my dress on.

Marry and Lucy help get my dress and shoes on and when I see myself in the mirror I am in complete and utter awe of what I see.

My dress is simple yet elegant it's white with a lacy and beaded bodice and the skirt part poofs out like a ball gown to the floor.

I walk out of the closet and all the girls mouths drop open.

"You look stunning." Celeste says while taking a picture.

"You look like a princess."May gushes.

"Well that is kind of the point." A soft voice says.

Amberley and my mom are at the door.

"You look beautiful sweetie. Your father would be so proud." My mom says holding back tears.

"You look excellent dear." Amberley says.

"Thank you." I say "I'm even wearing the comb you gave me instead of an official crown."

"Well it looks amazing.shall we get going I think we all have a wedding to be at." She says.

And with that we are off to the place I'm getting married to.

Kriss pov:
  I somehow got into the palace. I was invited to the wedding but I said I couldn't make it.

I'm in the palace and I decided to hide out near the door that America is going to walk through to go down the aisle.

Except she won't make it down. Actually I'm hoping I will be the one down the aisle since I am wearing a wedding dress and Maxon LOVES me and not that skunk.

I wait for what feels like an hour until right before I hear music start and know that the groomsmen and brides maids will have a minute to get down the aisle and America will be alone for just a split second.

Once I hear the music stop I leave the bathroom and like I thought Americas alone so I take a random vase near by and hit her over the head with it.

I say the code word for a rebel to take her and l eat ready to walk down the aisle.

America's POV:
I'm getting ready to go down the aisle.

Everything will be ok once I see him.

All I have to do is look into his eyes.

That's all I think until someone comes up behind me and hits me with something over my head and then

I black out.

Maxons pov:
The music changes and the big wooden doors open.

As soon as they open I hear Nicoletta whisper yell that that's not America's dress.

It really dosent look like something America would wear. It's kind of skin tight and it has a very low neckline.

And as I watch the girl walk down I realize it's not America it's Kriss and I run to the middle of the aisle absolutely infuriated.


A/n: dun dun dun! Ok that's part one! Don't worry America is alive.... But I have absolutely no clue if I should kill someone else off but if I do who should I kill? Anyway I really hope you are enjoying the book so far. Part 2 should be up tomorrow or tomorrow night!
- with all my love jelly signing off 💕

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