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America's POV:
Two days later;
Today Maxon and I will be leaving Greece.

It's strange how we came here secretly got married and now going on our actual honeymoon, that was pushed two days back because I got kidnapped and stuff.

As Maxon and I are getting ready to leave the car to go into the airport undisguised because we were going back onto a private jet maxons phone starts ringing.

We get a call about like every two hours from Nicoletta, Celeste,Marlee and we haven't answered them as we are trying not to contact anyone.

But this time Maxon looks on his phone and gets a scared but at the same time he is cracking up look,

"It's your mother." He says about to burst into a laughing fit.

"Don't answer she will find where we are and where we are going." I snicker.

Clearly just ignoring the call was not good. Because as soon as we got onto the plane and got service again Maxon had about 1000 missed messages from my mom.

"Did she block me!"
"Where are you two!"
"Tell America to unblock us!"
We decided to leave her on read, we'll until we got a message saying "Maxon Tell AMERICA to get her butt back here or Amberley will send troops to get you two! So help me when you do get home I will kill the both of you!"

"You do know you technically have more power over her?"I say slyly

"True. So what shall we say back."

"Give me your phone."

He gives me the phone so I just send her a picture of Maxons and I'd hands with our wedding bands on them. And then I blocked her on his phone.

"Done!" I said.

I sleep for the rest of the flight as it's long and boring.

Magdas pov:

"I swear to god that girl will be the death of me" I think aloud.

"Oh just wait till I'm like 18 mom." May calls.

I sigh and shake my head.

"I gotta answer I think they eloped."I tell Amberley.

"That's great for them I just wish I knew where they are so I can know my only son is safer than safe." She says.

"Why don't you track them?" Gerard's quite voice says.

"That's- why haven't we thought of that?" May says.

"We'll go find someone to track it!" I frantically shout.

Maxons pov:
She's such a peaceful sleeper.

The last two days have been absolutely wonderful.

Just me and my America.

My America and me.

I'm taken out of my thoughts when the pilot goes onto the intercom. "We will be landing at our destination in 5 minutes."

I gently try and kiss America awake and surprisingly it works.

"We will be landing in Pairs in a few." I say

Her eyes flutter open "Paris?! You mean we are in France." She says excitedly.

"That's exactly what I mean. Now we will be spending two days at the French palace." I tell her.

"That's ok. I saw somewhere that that's kinda what we have to do for at least a day when going to another country as a royal." She says.

The plane lands and I give her a quick kiss and then we get up and off the plane.

America's pov:
I We arrived at the French palace by supper time.

We get a quick tour change and then go to dinner.

At dinner we finally see the king queen and princess.

"Welcome to our home." The queen says gracefully

"Thank you for having us." I say whiles nodding my head.

"I'm king Patrick this is my wife Queen Anna and my daughter Princess Daphne." The king said.

"This is my wife America." Maxon says emphasizing the word wife.

"Lovely to meet you I have heard so many good things about you.Daphne says.

She had long blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Her dress was a deep purple and to be honest pretty tight, it had low neckline lower than anything I personally would wear and a slit on the right from her lower thigh to the floor.

I think she might of been trying to get my Husbands attention but it obviously didn't work as even though he's next to me and she across from me his eyes never left looking at me or his plate.

"This meal is absolutely divine." I say in a more regal tone.

"Thank you are chefs do a great job don't they." The Queen Anna says.

After dinner Maxon and I got ready for bed and had our usual night conversations.

"So how long will we be here?" I ask already half asleep.

"Well we will be leaving France about two days after your birthday." He answers back quietly.

"Ok." Is all I can get out before passing out on Maxons chest.

"Goodnight love, I love you." Maxon says and kisses my head.

It's the last thing I remember before being whisked off to dream land.

A/n: I'm surprised at the way and speed I wrote the chapter. I had absolutely no idea of what to write to. Anywhoo I love all of you who are reading and enjoying!
-with all my love jelly signing off 💖💖

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