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A/n sorry for writing this a day late I was just very tired by the time I was gonna write yesterday.

America's pov:
Two weeks later;
Today we leave for are first ever Christmas family vacation!

I'm still very very surprised that Maxon was able to pull this off but I'm guessing he had tons of help.

So today we fly to Carolina to spend a night at my childhood home which from what I know is now kind of a historical site I'm guessing? But we are staying there and visiting my fathers grave.

We all get loaded onto the plane and get settled.

"Vacation woohoo!" May shouts from the seat in between Maxon and I.

I look over at Maxon and he gives me a weary type of look. I smile at him trying to tell him he would be fine.

"May... my amazing amazing sister in law can we switch seats...?"

"Why so you two can be all lovey while 9 year old Gerard and 2 year old Astra have to watch and listen I think I'm going to stay here." She says.

"I can't believe I ever wanted siblings." Maxon says and everyone else laughs.

"Your the only one who's never fought over the last pizza slice and had to split in strange ways." My mom says.

Everyone continues to laugh and even Maxon joins in.

The rest of the flight was pretty tame astra cried a few times and at one point Gerard got very bored and started kicking at a guard.

We finally landed and got driven to the house.

Low and behold as always there were flashing cameras and reporters everywhere.

We safely got inside and showed Amberley around the place her being the only one who's never been here before.

We decided to treat this like a normal trip and cook are own food and go to the store.

I decided to volunteer and go get groceries with  Kenna.

"So, it's been an exciting year hasn't it." She says breaking the silence.

"Indeed it has." I sigh.

We made it to the store and got enough food for dinner,breakfast,and a small lunch for The whole family.

We get home and mom immediately starts cooking.

The house is loud and full. It's probably the most people that have been in it and that's really saying a lot.

Mom finishes dinner and calls everyone to eat.

"This is magnificent."Amberley says

"Thank you, it's really nothing just something quick to fill everyone up." Mother reply's

"Well it's delicious." Amberley says.

"Thanks mom tasted great." May says and leaves.

"Ya thanks." Gerard says and rushes to be the first to shower.

Everyone slow starts getting up and leaving.

"You cooked I'll do the dishes." Maxon said.

"I can do them it's really no problem." My mom says.

"No really Magda let us clean up for you. We can have some mother and son bonding time." Amberley cuts in.

As I'm listening to there conversation and looking around I realize May is nowhere to be found.

I get up and look around every place in the house that I knew she would most likely be until I realized there is one place I haven't checked yet.

I go into the garage turned art studio and find may painting and crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask letting her know of my presence.

" it's nothing I- I just" she cries, "i miss dad. A lot and I came into here so I can try to at least smell him again to see his work and..."

I go to hug and comfort her and she just cries into my dress.

"He's watching over us and he is so proud of you." I try to get out without crying.

"I know but, it feels as we just left him left behind everything about him after him only being gone a year." She chokes out.

I hold her and whisper to her until she's done crying.

I leave her to her painting and get ready for bed.

"Where were you?" Maxon smirks

"Just consoling May. She broke down for a bit she's doing better now." I say and cuddle up to him.

"Glad you talked to her and that she's feeling better. I hope by doing this every year we can it helps brighten your holiday season since it went dark."

"Thanks. I love you."

"I love you way more than you could ever love me dear." He whispers.

I chuckle under my breath and fall asleep

The next day:
We are packing some small lunches gathering are things.

"Ok so we are going to have about two hours at dads grave then we have to leave!" Kenna's voice echos through the house

Everyone is moving fast but with a little sadness in there eyes.

We all get out the house and go to the his grave.

When we get there everyone prays and we put flowers down.

We just watch in silence with tears in are eyes.

It's cold and windy and the grass is a little wet.

Maxons pov:
I hold my America in my arms as we mourn her father.

It's the second year without him and she's still devastated.

Everyone is silent.

After a while everyone starts sharing story's and memories and soon everyone has a slight smile on their faces.

"Actually I do have one story, but I won't share it yet." I say.

"You met him once? Ha and he left a big impact on you." Magda says.

"Yes but, he knew and honestly showed me what a good father should look like even if I only ever saw him once." I sigh.

A/n: ok! There will be a like part two kinda. I really didn't know exactly how to end this chapter but it should be fine. I hope you enjoyed and quick teeny tiny may or may not change the story a little bit question... yes or no?
Just give me a yes or a no and then you will soon see what the question is about!! Love ya and thanks for reading.

-with all my love jelly signing off 💕💕

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