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Maxons pov:
8 days later:
Today is my amazing wife's birthday.

It's her first birthday with us being together let alone married so it has to be special.

I might just for today unblock her mom. But I most likely won't until the day we leave.

I wake up about 1 hour before she wakes up to make her breakfast.

I try my best to make some decent pancakes and well done extra extra crispy bacon and some rubber that smells like eggs.

Once I'm done cooking I make the table look absolutely beautiful if I do say so myself.

I may not be able to cook but at least I can make a table look nice with flowers her plate of "food" and her first gift of today.

I get everything situated and go wake her up on this special day.

America's POV:
I wake up to a fluttery feeling on my face and soft whispers of "I love you's" and "wake up my dear"

I open my eyes and Maxon is on top of me with a huge smile on his face.

"Good morning my love, Happy Birthday." He whispers into my ear.

I totally forgot my birthday was today!

So much has happened,I'm on the coast of France married to the love of my life, technically the queen and I'm just now turning 19.

"Thank you." I say and kiss Maxon.

"I have a surprise for you." He says kissing me.

"Oh really now" I whisper.

"Just follow me."

I follow him into the small kitchen and speechless at the sight I see.

"Maxon you really didn't have to." The breathe out

"Oh but I had it's your first birthday with you and I together now... I tried my best with the food."

I look at the breakfast he made he really wasn't lying when he said he couldn't cook.

"At least the pancakes are mostly cooked." I say. "It's the thought I counts." I smile and he smiles back.

I try one of the pancakes and learn that it might of been cooked for the most part but the batter was definitely not made correctly.

"How about I just make us some smoothie bowls with the last of the fruit we have." I say while getting up.

I make us some smoothie bowls with the rest of the fruit we have. We eat and then Maxon gives me the small box that was on the table.

"Open it!" He eagerly says.

I open the box and inside is a absolutely beautiful heart shaped locket with a picture of the both of us inside and "Maxon and America forever together"

"I love it." I softly say.

" I have more gifts for you but I couldn't pack them all in such a short time." He says.

"I don't need more gifts just undivided time with my husband."

"But unfortunately for you I have a hard time not spoiling you, but fortunately I also have a hard time staying away, not thinking, looking at you ect ect."

We spend are day wondering around the town and walking along the beach until it's time for dinner.

I get put on this blue dress. It's ankle length and has flowers all on it. I also put on a little bit of makeup and put my hair up in a lose bun.

"You look stunning my dear." Maxon says.

"Not your dear, but thank you love." I say back.

We eat dinner at this pretty small yet very fancy restaurant.

" we go home in like a day." I sigh softly.

" I know then it's us getting coronated and then meetings and all that jazz." Maxon says.

"Plus my mother she's gonna lecture us and then Sylvia is gonna lecture us. Oh then Celeste will ask us questions that I don't think either of us wanna answer." I laugh

"Yep don't forget now that we are married every other week advisors are gonna ask when we will be having an heir." He laughs back.

"That's gonna be annoying." I say.

We spend the rest of the night laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Before we go to sleep I ask Maxon something,

" how many kids do you want to have?"

"How many do you want."

"Like three or four depends."

"Well I always wanted like 6 kids but I really don't care as long as I have them with you." He says and kisses my head.

"Ok." Is all I say.

I'm taken away by sleep to the comforting sound of the man I love beating heart.

A/n: the end! Nah just kidding just the end of the chapter. I hope your enjoying the story. And that's it for this authors note since I have no clue what to write other than thank you so so so so so much for reading this!
-with all my love jelly signing off💕

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