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America's POV:
I wake up to the warm feeling of being in someone's arms and some slight pain in my head.

I look around to see where I am and figure out I'm in Maxon's arms in his room.

I try and remember what has happened in the last 20 or so hours and I'm suddenly hit with all that has happened.

My wedding that never really happened,getting kidnapped.

I'm guessing Maxon felt me moving or something and started to wake up.

"Good morning love." He says kissing me.

"Morning..." I said while thinking.

"What?" He ask with concern in his tone.

"Let's get married like right now." I quickly shout.

His face lights up, he hurriedly kisses my face and gets up.He writes something down and goes into the bathroom to get ready,Without saying a word.

I use this time to get ready in my room myself without any maids. I wonder what he's planning in his kingly mind.

I get myself into a simple light blue day dress and put my hair into a  chic ponytail.I don't do any makeup since I really don't want to.

A few minutes after I get ready Maxon knocks on my door and walks in with one full bag and one empty bag in his hands.

"What are those for?"

"We are running away...kinda." He says giddily
"Now hurry and pack like two weeks worth of clothes."

As I'm packing my bag I ask "so where are we running away to?"

"It's a surprise just pack and I have a car waiting for us. Also we will be using a secret passage way to get to right outside of the gates."

I finish packing and Maxon quickly leads us to a secret passage in his room.

"So when did you find this passage?" I ask trying to break our comfortable silence.

"I was about 15 I think when I found it? I kinda forgot about it until today."

"Oh"I say as we get to the end.

"This is it." He said

We get into the car and we our off to wherever we are going.

As we near the airport Maxon gives me a wig and some makeup to ig try and make me look less like me.

"We are flying commercial today." He says as he gets out the car and waves the car away.

We make it through most of the airport without any trouble.When at security Maxon whisperers to the security guards and tells the person who we are and stuff I don't really know.

And before we know it we are on the plane.

"So we will be getting married when we get to our destination." He says and smiles.

Then a flight attendant goes through the things for if there's and emergency and then checks everyone's seats.

I squeeze Maxons hand as the plane starts to assend.

A few minutes after we leave the ground I fall into a somewhat blissful sleep.

A/n: not my best work. Sorry for not updating last night I kinda got distracted doing something else. Thank you for reading! I hope you are enjoying so far!
-with all my love jelly signing off 💕

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