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America's POV:
6hours later
I'm woken up to Maxon snoring.

I look around to try and figure out what time it is but,

Wait. I'm not in the safe room anymore. I realize as I look around.

As I look around I'm in Maxons room, I question in my head how I must of gotten here.

I try to move around until I realize I'm entangled in maxons arms. His eyes start to flutter open I guess from feeling me trying to get up.

"When did we get in here?" I whispered

"Like three hours ago? I don't know what time is it?" He says into my hair.

I move a little bit to see the clock "3:30 am" I barely say.

"Wanna take a walk?" Maxon says.

"At three in the morning"


"Are you positive that's what you want to do I mean last time we were up it was the middle of an attack."

"Love I am a 100% positive" Maxon says while getting out of bed.

I get up to, once we are out of the room we hold hands and run to the roof.

"I thought we were going on a walk walk not go camping on the roof." I laugh

"Oh but this is a much better idea" he shot back at me. "I'll be right back stay right here and let me get something real quick."

I wait for a minute and then see Maxon jogging back over to me wearing a goofy grin and carrying pillows and blankets.

"Where did you get these mr.smiles?" I say.

"When I was little I would build forts up here, I always had a box with some blankets pillows and a tent up here." He says setting them up.

"Oh really and how did your father feel about this?" I ask

"He hated it but I was like eight so he would only give me a long lecture on how un princely it is to sleep on the roof." He laughs remembering his childhood.

He finish setting up the blankets and we get ourselves cozy. He kisses me on the head and says "go back to sleep my beautiful soon to be wife. I love you."

"I love you" I say back and quickly fall back asleep.

I'm woken up to the feeling of little butterflies on my face and neck, except it isn't butterflies it's Maxons kisses.

"Good morning" I whisper say.

"Morning" Maxon says softly.

"We should go inside and check the damage from the attack." I say

I hear Maxon sigh " I would much rather stay here on the roof top than go inside and be told off my my father and seeing all the damage."

"Plus I saw some of it last night when we were let out of the safe room it was some broken vases torn portraits some blood splatter it was like how it is after most attacks." He says

"But we still have to get up everyone's probably going mad looking for us." I say and start to get up.

As I'm helping getting the blankets off the ground when I look at what I'm wearing. I'm not in the blue dress from yesterday but instead in a sweatshirt that's way to big to be mine.

"Max...." I say "when did I put on a sweatshirt I don't remember changing or packing one to bring."

"Oh it's mine I thought you would be more comfortable." He says and goes to put the blankets in the box.

I smile and make my way to the door to go downstairs. I wait for him and we go down to get changed and to go eat breakfast.

Maxons POV:
As I'm walking America to my room I realize guards and maids are giving me sad looks.

America looks up at me wondering what happened but all I can do is give her a confused look.

Once we are at to door to my room I ask a maid to get some clothes for America.

She bows and also says something that makes me stop her before she leaves.

"Sorry for my loss what loss nobody I know has died recently." I say

"Your highness I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but your father didn't make it through the attack last night he is dead." She says and walks to go get America a dress.

"I'm sorry." I hear her whisper.

My father is dead. He died to those stupid rebels. He wasn't a good man he was quite opposite he was abusive and cheated on my mom. But something inside me made me feel a small small particle of me was gone."

A/n: bum bum bum! So that's it for this chapter. I have no clue what to say for this authors note so ya.
Thanks for reading tho.
-all my love jelly signing off

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