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America's POV:
Two days later:
Maxon and I are making are way onto the plane.

This week has been absolutely amazing, I've been with the love of my life, but all good things must come to an end.

"Thank you" I say to Maxon as we are taking our seats.

"For what?" He ask

"For everything, we just went on a very expensive vacation without telling anyone or anyone knowing." I say

"I did it all for you my love." He says.

"I wonder everyone's gonna react when we show up again after leaving." I think aloud

"My mothers gonna be disappointed and then your moms gonna rip our heads off." He laughs.

I laugh to and we enjoy our flight which I ended up sleeping for most of.

Maxons pov:
The flights over and we are finally home.

I see the great big gates the lead to the fountains and gardens to my home.

We get out of the car and into the palace and not even three steps in Magda runs up to us and starts yelling.

"You may be a princess but I'm your mother you can't block me!"

"You should of at least told us that you were leaving."

"Who's idea was this it's sounds very much like something my daughter would do!"

"It's fine Magda upsetting but fine."My mother says coming down the stairs.

"I'm glad your back." She says to me and America.

"Thank you" America softly says whiles giving mom a hug.

"Ames!!" May screams running down the stairs.

"Hello May." I tell her.

She crashed into a America

"Hi May missed you to." America says

May let's go of America for a second and gives me a hug which startles me a bit.

"So whatcha been up to?" She says

"For all of your information we were in France and got married." America says.

Magda has calmed down a bit and finally says something in a inside voice " Congrats and happy birthday Darling."

"Thanks mom." America says

"I still don't think you should of left like that especially after being kidnapped." Magda says

"Fine we will leave a note next time." I chuckle out.

Everyone laughs and we all go and eat dinner and catch up.

"So I'm guessing in two weeks you two will become queen and king." May quickly says.

"Um yeah I guess." America says.

"Well good luck to you I'm going to continue being a teenager and your gonna just become a queen you know you never finished high school." May remarks.

"I mean ya but I can finish it here I mean I only had a year left." America shrugs.

After some awkward silence everyone starts getting up and America and I go up to our room.

"I have 3 more birthday gifts for you." I state.

"Can I open them when I get out of the shower"she says coming back into our room with pjs.

"You mean OUR shower." I tell.
"You shower I shower"

"Hmmmm fine but only because I'm tired and don't wanna try and argue about something as stupid as that." She says and walks into the bathroom.

After we finish showering we sit on the couch and I give her the gifts.

These are wonderful thank you so much" she thanks kissing me.

"Your welcome my love." I whisper then kiss her back.

A/n: short chapter sorry. I had no clue what to right plus I just got another cat and my other one decided that it was the best time to like almost attack her when I was very focused. I'll write more and better next chapter I promise! Anyway hope you enjoyed :)!!
-with all my love jelly signing off 💕💕

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