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America's POV:
It's time for the what is now the engagement dinner.

Not going to lie Kriss did a pretty good job on planning this, kinda sad I had stole the moment from her oh well.

While thinking of Kriss I look around the room and wonder where she is. I wanted to talk to her have a heart to heart to try and understand each other better.

"I think we should raise our glasses up to Prince Maxon and his soon to be wife America Singer." Celeste says already tipsy.

Echos of glasses clinking and congratulations fill the room. People put down there glasses and head to the dance floor. I watch as Elise's husband helps her get up to dance as she's about 7 months pregnant Maxon says.

"Would you like to dance with me?"
Maxon says holding his hand out. "I would love to." I answer.

We make our way to the middle of the dance floor and dance to a few songs. As we are dancing I look into his milk chocolate eyes and he looks into my eyes and smiles. "I love you." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too." I say softly and go in for a kiss.

Our kisses feels electric like a fire that can't burn out. Once we pull away his eyes grow wide and he turns me around so I can see the stage.

And I couldn't believe what I saw.

Marlee was tied up in a chair on the stage. She was crying and screaming. Until a shot went off in the room.

People started coming out from in the crowd and from windows and doors all wearing red bandannas and started shooting at guest and guards."

Women men and everyone in between started running and screaming. I look back up at the stage to see that Marlee has escaped to a safe room that ig she knew about from being a maid.

Maxon picks me up in his arms and starts running us to a safe room.

Ironically we are in the same safe room that he told me about his scars.

Maxon POV:
When I get America and i into the safe room I look around and realize that we are in the same safe room that I told America about my scars.

I look at her and I can tell she realized the same thing.

"Did you ever tell her?" She ask solemnly.

"No, tho I almost did." I say knowing what she was talking about. I never did tell Kriss I couldn't do that to her.

She and my father we're way to buddy buddy.But I did almost tell her, we were on a walk on the place grounds and there's a little lake we sat there for a while until I pushed her in. She was very upset so I went in with her. She started kissing me and then when she tried to take off my shirt I said I had to be somewhere which was a lie.

"Oh the memories. I almost tried to forget about the selection when you chose Kriss." America says.

"Really. I had to hide all my selection memories from Kriss I had a drawer locked with all my photos of you and little things like that. Ha she even made me take down my wall of pictures." I said.

I hear America yawn" today's been a long day"'

"It has my love hasn't it" I say and lean my head on hers.

I fall asleep knowing that she's now mine forever and I'm hers.

I will never let her go again.

A/n: and we are back to shorter chapters! Sorry I posted this later than intended this chapter took me a minute to write for some reason. I hope you have been enjoying so far!

-with all my love jelly signing off

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