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Maxons POV:
Two weeks later
Today's been hard.

More hard on my mom than me but still difficult.

We finally buried my father. My mother is so broken she loved him so much. It's been hurting me but it's more of the little things that remind me of him.

My mother has decided that she can't and doesn't want to rule as queen anymore and so America and I have been signing a bunch of papers and writing reports.

Every time I mess something up I just hear my his voice princes don't make stupid errors or the worst one is whenever I think about something he did and start crying "prince's don't cry. This is why your not fit to become king"

At least I have America though. I love her so much. She's been planning our wedding and we both decided to get married on Valentine's Day. Which is nice because it means I can spoil her on are honeymoon and birthday. In which I have a gorgeous nice and long honeymoon planned.

"Maxon" I hear America's voice say.

"Yes my dear." I say

"Instead of going to the funeral reception let's go on a picnic. I think you should rest a little to." She says takes my hand and starts walking to our bench.

There there's a nice blanket, lights, picnic basket, and a small bucket with some wine and some wine glasses in it.

She sits down and I sit across from her.

"When did you have time to set this up" I ask

"I set it up earlier today, thats why I let your mom and you talk for a minute." She says while taking a bit out of a strawberry tart.

I laugh at her and she smiles "what?!"

"Your just so beautiful" I say "I can't take my eyes off if you"

She smiles, and I lean over to kiss her. I feel her smile against my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you more than you can imagine" I say back and kiss her passionately.

Turns out we were not alone in that moment.

"What was that?" I ask

America giggles and says "I asked Marlee to spy on us and take as many pictures as she'd like I'm guessing that's the only one we heard."

"Ahh ok." I say and smile

I kiss her again but with more passion and fire until I remember that we aren't completely alone.

"I think you should tell your friend to leave" I whispered into her ear.

She shivers than says "Marls he wants you to leave, but can I see one of the photos first."

There's some noise in the bushes and Marlee comes out all giggly.

"So here's the first few pictures I got of you two the others your gonna have to wait and see them" Marlee says

"These are great thank you." America says

"They really are now leave so I can spend some real alone time with my fiancé." I say

Marlee and America say there farewells and I see Marlee wink at us before walking away.

"So back to where we were." I say slyly

"About to break the law mr.prince."

I smirk and she laughs and slaps my arm playfully.

"I love you!" I say

"I love you to." I hear her say and then we kiss again.

A/n: that was another short chapter but I hope the next two can like make up for it. There is going to be like a few random head cannons of mine (and others i think) might be in the next chapter but if it's not liked by anyone than ig it's not liked by anyone ok. Anyhow thanks for reading, it literally makes me so happy to see that people have read this! So thank you!
-with all my love jelly signing off 💕

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