Chap 4

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Maxons POV:
Two days later

All of invites were sent out,

Well except one.

I decided that I'm going to have America at my wedding.

I mean if she's not there my plan will fail so she has to.

I get to the dining room. Surprisingly only my mother is in there.

"Hello mother" I say as I kiss her cheek and sit down at my spot.

"Good afternoon darling." She sings.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good just busy." She sighs.

"Kriss is even more of a pain with the wedding around the corner"mom says

"Yep I understand" I voice

The rest of lunch goes by quickly and silently.

After lunch I go up to where we kept the invitations and took one of the blank ones.

I have to make this one personalized.

I'm almost done when there's a knock on the door.

"Come in" I answer loud enough for the person to hear.

"Hello love." Kriss says

Ugh I hate it when she calls me love, or dear or anything that I should be calling America.

"Hi darling." I answer.

"What are you up to on this fine afternoon." Kriss questions

"Um nothing just some paper work" I quickly say.

"Ok well I was going to head down to the garden would you like come with?" She says sweetly

"I would love to but I'm very busy right now sorry." I speak.

"Oh ok bye." She says as she walks out of the door.

30 minutes later

I finally finish America's invite.

I don't know why it took so long I even called Celeste and asked Marlee for help.

Now to give the invite to Officer Leger to be sent to the one I love.

I hand him the invite telling him where it needs to go and I'm off to America's room.

Once I'm there I take a nap on the bed hoping it still has a tad bit of her scent.

A/n ok so I'm going to finish up America's POV though it will be happening after she got the invite. I really like how this is coming out right now but if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments!
-with all my love jelly signing off <3

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