Chap 5

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America's POV:
It's been a year!

A whole year and I have yet to move on.

I mean I have a regular daily routine I wake up, cry, get a piece of toast, cry, hug my sister and cry, sleep, call Celeste and Marlee (which normally ends up in me crying), pick at my dinner, then I cry myself to sleep. 

And do it all again the next day!

But not today!

Today I'll actually get out of my bed!

Heck I might even get out of my house!

I leave my room with a new confidence that I haven't had in a while.

I tell Gerad hi while passing him in the tiny hall.

When I reach the living room and kitchen my confidence dwindles a little bit.

May is sitting at the tv waiting for any royal wedding news and mom's making breakfast.

"Ames look" May said.

I look at the tv an low and behold there's a wedding date.

I haven't been paying to much attention to any of the wedding since it was supposed to be my wedding so this made me a little irritated.

"Breakfast!" Moms voice echoes through a the house.

May and I make are way to the table, while mom gets plates and cups out.

While everyone's eating I catch my mom staring at me with glowing eyes.

"What?" I ask a little harshly.

"Oh nothing just this." She says handing me an envelope.

I open it up with a shocked but confused look on my face.

The letter is from Maxon but its a wedding invite but also a letter? Or something I have no clue.

"Well what is it?!" May shouts.

"It's a wedding invite I think.." I question

"Read it." May says.

"To my darling America,
I miss you. I've made a mistake i don't want to marry Kriss I want to marry you have a life with you.
Tho this can't happen right now I assure you we could start are life together as long as you go to the wedding If you do decide to come to the wedding heres some things that you should know and kinda what's happening I can't tell you my full plan yet but don't worry love it will all go well.
Kriss dosent want you to go and annoying made a rule that nobody with red hair and gorgeous icy blue eyes like yours can come to the wedding. But don't worry my dear as I will give you a wig once you get to the place. You will be staying in the same place as you did during the selection with the same maids. Attached to this will be the invitation you use to get into the wedding. The name you will use with other guest will be Christy and you will be telling everyone that your and old friend of mine. My mother knows the story and sit dose Officer Leger (don't worry we are on good terms now) and Marlee.Now with that on the night you get here meet me at our bench at 10:45pm see you there my love.
-your prince Maxon"

I can't believe he would do that. Invite me just to watch him get married I'm pretty sure he's in love with Kriss. I have no clue what to think and why would he call me his dear or his love if he and Kriss are so deeply in love.

I don't even know what to think anymore.

"Sooo.... Are you going to go" I hear Kenna ask

"I think you should go it would be the last time you would see each other and maybe you two. Could talk it out." Mom says.

"I'll go for you if you don't." May laughs

"I don't know so if you excuse me I have to go talk to Celeste." I say and walk out.

A/N: will America go to the wedding? Will she stay home? I don't know but to find out your going to have to read more!
-with all my love jelly signing off ❤️❤️

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