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America's POV:
2weeks later
Today is New Year's Eve.

It's been a sad two weeks with all the death and destruction that has happened.

We gave a the whole country two days off, we gave the people who couldn't afford it money. We also have given money to anyone who's homes were destroyed.

The palace is standing still. We've captured as many rebels as we can and are questioning and figuring out what to do.

"My dear we have to go do the report now." Maxon says.

"I'm almost ready just wait like 5 seconds." I tell him back.

Normally since it's New Year's Eve we would be doing this closer to midnight. This time is going to be different as we need to address some things and explain what's happening.

We walk hand in hand down to the studio where normally there would be about a hundred people getting things ready. As of now we only have 10 of are Report staff and Graivil is out injured yet also mourning his wife.

As normal the cameras and lights come on and we start.

"Afternoon fellow Ileaens. It is with great sorrow that we are broadcasting this earlier than normal. As you can see there's a few thousand things missing but lets start first with Graivil is not only injured but also mourning his late wife."Maxon starts

"I feel that instead of just talking about a death that affected him. In that if someone you know or a family member has died due to this tragedy please send in there name age if you want a picture and something else like a job or something that they did well. This is a grieving period every single person in this country has lost something or somebody in there life." I add .

Maxon goes through all of what happened that he knows of which sadly is very little. We also give a royal babies update to lift some spirits and said something about the new year.

The days gone by slowy with mostly work.

Maxons pov:
Everything is going downhill when it comes to being king.

My personal life is going pretty great but when it comes to the country I have no clue what I'm doing.

I've started getting rid of the caste and August is mad about the way I'm doing it.

But he's stressed he and Georgia just had a baby and they also have to lead a rebel but not really rebel group.

Everyone and everything's been busy.

I'm swamped I have no clue what to do anymore.

The only thing I can hope for is that when my beautiful twins are born I can have some time off.

Speaking of the twins I remember I have a baby book I read at night.

It has names and tips on how to take care of the babies. I've learned a lot.

I continue working until about 11:30 when America walks in.

"You should get some sleep." She says coming to sit on my lap

I wrap my arms around her and sigh.

"I should." I groan

"Just come to bed all you have to do is close your eyes." She whispers.

We end up going to bed.

I fall asleep to America's humming and playing with my hair. I know she's stressed and scared to.

I honestly have no clue what to do about that though.

I should spend the day off with her if we can or just do work from the bed.

I think and think as I fall into a deeper sleep.

A/n- sorry for not only posting very late but also posting a short chapter. I do have good news though. With the twins about to be born in a few chapters that means this story will be ending. I have created the title of the next book to this but it's not published yet it's going to be Edlyans not the right wedding but that's not the name and that's not how you spell her name either. I hope you are enjoying and thank you for reading so so so so very much!
-with all my love jelly signing off

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