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America's POV:
I'm woken up to my maids frantically running into my room.

When Anne sees that I'm awake she grabs me by the arm and takes me into the bathroom for a bath.

"What time is it?" I groggily ask. "It's 8 o'clock."Lucy says from the main part of the room.

"So we have 4 hours until the wedding starts. Why are you guys running around like it's in two minutes." I say as I'm getting into the bath that has been prepared for me.

"Because it's the wedding of the century so we need to make you look almost better than the bride herself." Anne says. "Now you have thirty minutes in your bath while we clean have fun." She says and walks out closing the bathroom door behind her.

After sleeping in the bath tub for thirty minutes I get out and put on a robe. I walk out the bathroom door and instead of a "how was your bath America." I got a "great your out of the bath time for you to eat while you get your makeup and get your wig put on."

After my makeup and hair is done I'm taken to the closet to get my dress on. " we hope you like it. Anne and I started sewing it as soon as the prince told us you would be coming to the wedding" Marry says while unzipping the bag the dress was in.

Right before I even get to look at the dress Lucy comes up behind me and puts a blind fold over my eyes gently.

"What why can't I see the dress yet."

"You will just let us get you into it ok." Lucy says.

They get me into the dress and they also put some heels on my feet. I'm walked to where the mirror is and my blind fold is taken off. And I'm shocked in awe of what I see looking back at me.

I'm wearing a gorgeous light blue almost white dress the top has gorgeous flowery lace and sparkles there's a thin ribbon around my waist where the skirt starts to flow like a river with pink flowers in it to. It hits to right above my ankles and I'm wearing light blue heels with gold as the heel part.

"I think she doesn't like it." Marry says and laughs. "Looks like your the one getting married."

"I love thank you all so much." I say gratefully.

"Ok now you go down to the wedding chapel Lucy will be down there soon to. Oh and the queen has something she wants to share with you."Anne says.

Oh what will the queen want to do with me I think as I walk down to the chapel.

Amberley's pov:
I'm talking to some guest when I see America walking into the room. Even with a brown wig she's recognizable.

I excuse myself and walk over to her.
When she sees me she curtsies and I hear her say something along the lines of "your majesty"

"America dear I have something for you." I say as I take the hair comb that looks like a little crown from the pocket in my dress.

"It's a comb that I want you to have. I got it made when I thought you were going to win the selection and since you didn't I thought I give it to you." I say softly.

She gasp "thank you your majesty but I don't think I could take this it's priceless."

"Please take it I can't wear it to your wedding now so I decided I should give it to you." I said while placing it in her bun.

"Thank you so much your majesty." She says and walks away.

Kriss pov:
Today's the the day!

I'm finally getting married to the love of my life. No more America, and no more northern rebels for me.

I'm leaving the northern rebels and I'm going back to the southern rebels. Well I'm already a Southern rebel but I did spy on the northern rebels all through the selection.

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