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America's POV:
Still a little shaken from the news last night I wake up about an hour before Maxon has to.

I get up and do my normal routine... just it takes me about 3 minutes longer than normal.

I take a seat in bed when I finish and get some work done.

"Good morning dear." Maxon yawns.

"Good morning my love." I sing back to him.

"Your up early?"

" I had some work to finish and I was writing up the law change plus, today's going to be a long day." I say and get up.

Maxon stares at me in awe.

"You look beautiful love."" He says with stars in his eyes.

"Why thank you, now you will look just as beautiful once you get ready."

He rakes his hand through his messy hair and gets up and ready for the day.

3 hours later

"So we have all the money correct." I ask

It's now Maxon,Aspen, guards and I in a van. Celeste is in a different car and Marlee decided she should stay home in case anything really bad happens.

"Yep all of it in many duffel bags." Aspen speaks.

"So the plan is Aspen gets out the car and try's to talk to them and if they ask for me I'll get out and America darling you will stay here safe and sound." Maxon says

"Then why have me in this van?" I pout

"Because I can't stay away from you come on catch up dear." Maxon says. I roll my eyes not the fondest of the wording but I don't care much now.

We get to the destination and Aspen and a few guards get out of the van.

Maxons pov:
This will be the last time!

I should never have to see any rebels again...

Never mind I gotta find the ones who escaped.

I'm brought back into the real world when a guard I think her name is Cathrine I wouldn't remember comes up to the window telling me I need to go negotiate.

I look at America as I get out of the van.

"I love you" she whispers I smile and go to the door of the base.

"I heard you got the money."the tough voice says.

"Yes yes we do now I'll give you half and then you give me my mother and then you get the rest." I spat.

"Very well then. So where is it." He spits back.

I have a guard give the man half of the money.

"Now the queen please." I shout


He whispers something to his right and then to his left.

We wait a minute and then I'm reunited with my mom.

We hug and I get a guard to walk her to the car that Celeste is in.

I give the man the rest of the money and walk away.

I get back in the van and it starts to leave when; all of a sudden there's banging on the van.

"What's going on?!" America says frightened.

"I- I have no clue." I try to calmly say back.

There's then a bunch of shouting outside the van.
"You think your smart huh faking us out with your fake money! Well your not"

I'm now realizing that they figured out it's all fake. But how and how so quickly.

"Did they did they how?" America shouts

"I don't know maybe they had people or some type of scanners I don't know." I timidly say.

Scared to death for America's life I have the driver do some let's say unpredictable turns and not directly to the palace.

"Thank goodness your mom is safe in the other car." She says.

The banging and yelling isn't get much better and we can only go so fast on a highway.

America's POV:
After about a two hour drive chase thingy we finally made it back home.

Which is great timing as we have a report in like 47 minutes.

Jesus what are we going to say on the report!

I decide to get changed and hang out with Amberley to pass time.

Once it's time for the report it's time to explain to the whole country not only what has happened but also the fact some of the most dangerous people are like loose.

"Oh my that's a lot of drama I'm thinking that we do the 'how's your life as king and queen' segment later." Gravil laughs.

"Haha yes but in all seriousness I want the whole country to stay safe and protect themselves if needed the three most dangerous people of Ilea somehow it set free and we do not know how or where they are we just know that they are highly dangerous and need to be reported of spotted." Maxon says in his kingly voice.

"Well you heard it here folks stay safe and remember if you see anyone on this screen of people to tell the authorities ASAP!" Gravil says whiles the screen puts the peoples pictures up.

"With that stay safe and good night Illea!" He says in his cheery voice again.

And as soon as he finishes all the filming lights turn off.

A/n: next chapter will start a string of things happening which might mean a buttload of cliffhangers! I hope your enjoying the story!!! And I really hope you enjoy the next chapters when they come out, thanks for reading this far!
-with all my love jelly signing off 💕

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