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America's pov:
Thursday before the wedding:
All the guest arrive today. The palace is buzzing more than usual with the guest coming, the wedding on Saturday, and the  coronation on March 1st.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts when I feel someone hug me from behind and kiss my cheek.

"You seem stressed."Maxon whisperers in my ear.

"How about hanging out with the guest tomorrow if they want everyone can come to brunch with us outside." He says.

"Ok but someone's still going to have to greet them." I say.

Maxon turns me around and puts his forehead to mine and said "it's ok I've got everything figured out now you go in your room and your maids will get you ready I'll pick you up in a hour."

He walks me out of my office and to my room. He kissed me quick and left. As soon as my bedroom door closed my maids rushed toward me and practically ripped my dress and undergarments off and got me into a warm bubble bath.

After my bath my maids did my hair in an elegant half up half down with the up part being a bun on the top of my head, they did light makeup as normal. Tonight I'm wearing a gorgeous one shoulder red dress that has little gems attached to the top and snitched at the waist and goes down to the floor.

I normally don't wear red dresses as they remind me of that one time during the selection but I actually really like this one.

Exactly on the hour Maxon knocks on my door to take me to wherever we are going for dinner.

Maxons POV:
I knock on her door I hear some shuffling in her room but then the door open.

I'm greeted to America wearing a gorgeous red dress that makes eyes bluer and her hair brighter.

"Well shall we go my dear?"I teasingly ask.

"I'm not your dear,but yes we Shall" she says over annunciating shall.

I smile and she loops her arm through mine.

"You know I like the other red dress better but this ones nice." I said playfully.

She glares at me " I think the other one should be burned"

"So where are we going?" She ask

"Well since you were sad about not being able to have are weekly family dinners in the past three weeks I decided that we should have one today. Since we won't be here Sunday night." I say

After America and I got engaged her family moved into the house I had bought them.So with all of Magdas begging we started having dinners every week just the Singers my mom and I. Sometimes Marlee and Carter come
But they haven't for a while.

The family dinners are usually pretty nice. I never got to experience them as a child so I cherish the memories now and Mrs.singer and my mother are best friends to so it always makes me happy to see everyone else happy.

We make it to the dining room and May comes rushing towards us, she gives me a small hug than squeezes America. Mother and Mrs.Singer are talking and laughing, Kenna her husband and baby are talking. I go over to Gerard who hasn't realized that we have entered the room and I come up behind him and ruffle his hair before taking my seat.

He realized it's me and we do a handshake we made up together one day.

"We had dinner brought up early if you don't mind." Magda said.

"It's ok mom" America says and makes her and I a plate.

"Since you lovebirds were late we decided that instead of a movie we are going to play board games." May says.

" game on then." I say

We played bored games until about 10:45pm when Kenna and baby left with Gerard who got bored. And with that every time someone lost a round of cards they left.

The next morning:
It's time for the brunch for America and I to welcome out guest but it's pretty empty.

The only people we greeted was older royals and there children and that's it.

Which is fine considering I only did it so the guest don't feel left out but in all honesty America and I weren't supposed to see each other that day because our friends decided that we should be separated for the day and promised that we will see each other tomorrow since it's our wedding.

Since it's just me and my groomsmen today we decided to do the 8year old friendly things with Gerard first and then everything else this evening.

We just talked went fishing in the lake and ate some food until it was time to give Gerard to his mother so we can do more "adults things which for us was talking about life and drinking.

America's POV:
After that dud of a brunch I was whisked away from Maxon and into girls day.

We started off with getting maini pedis and champagne, which I'm pretty sure Celeste gave may the only 16 year old some.

We also ate food watched a movie and then Kenna and May left I guess to give us ex selected and Nicoletta time.

So it's Marlee,Nicoletta,Celeste,Natalie, and me. I wished Elise was here but shes 8 months pregnant and has no energy to come.

"Klink clink"
"America I know all the attention should be on you and only you but if it's ok I have and announcement to make. Celeste says a little bit slurred but not to much.

I nod and she goes on "I would just like to say how hot we all are!" Everyone laughs at her "especially my girlfriend Natalie!" Celeste yells out.

"What?!" Since when Marlee ask eagerly.

"Since like I had time to myself and not America crying on the phone for two hours" she says

"Wait so I walked in on you with a guard for you to start dating Natalie." I say shocked

"Yep" she say.

"Celeste I think you should lay down it's getting late and we all have to wake up early tomorrow." Natalie says sweetly to her.

"But Nat" Celeste whines "no buts let's go" Natalie says back calmly

"She's right it's late and we need energy to party tomorrow." Nicoletta says and gets off the floor.

A series of good nights are said and everyone is off to sleep in there rooms.

Well except me because apparently if I'm in my room I'll talk to Maxon.

But I go to my old room from the selection change and go right to sleep.

A/n: ok so I'm sorry for posting this at like 12 am but I'm more creative at night from what I realize especially if I only have a faint idea of what I'm writing.I do hope this chapter is enjoyable. Next chapter should be Maxons and America's wedding if all goes well in my brain.Anyway hope your all doing well!
-with all my love jelly signing off 💕

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