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Maxons pov:
"We found one." A guards voice says.
"We found Mrs.Williams."

"Where is she?"I said

"She's in a cell we don't know what you want us to do with her." The guard ask

"I'll be down there in a minute." I say.

The guard leaves and I go find America.

"They found one person do you want to question her with me or no?" I ask

"Umm sure but I don't really have any questions right now." She says

After that we both head down to the jail cells and is shocked to see a whole person dressed in a guard uniform trying to bail the person out.

"Hey!"I shout in a assertive manner.

I'm almost met with a punch in the face but a gun shot hinders it. The man falls back clutching his knee and screeching in pain.

"Never mind questioning them send them off to die in the maximum security prison do that with everyone but Kriss bring her here then send her off."I say with no emotion.

I take America's hand and we walk out.

"Why didn't you question them?" She ask

"They wouldn't have given information plus my birthday is in a few days and I don't want to deal with any of that then." I say

"Ok but let's remember that there's 3 very dangerous people out there and we have no clue how to help." She says.

"Maxon!" Someone with my moms voice shouts.

"What now mother." I ask

"Don't take that tone with me you may be king but I'm your mom." She says pretending to be stern

"Anyways I just remembered something from when I was at the base.... I think Kriss might be in Whites or at least was in Whites." She says.

"Well thats helpful. Let a guard know to have a troop look around in every building they can there." I say

"Sure do dear." She says and leaves

"I'm going to go upstairs and take a nap." America says.

"I'll come with I'm technically supposed to be interrogating right now."I say.

"Ok but no funny business I'm exhausted and feeling a little under the weather." She says and kisses me.

As soon as she said she wasn't feeling great I started to panic on the inside.

"Do you want to go to the doctor if your not feeling well." I blurt out.

"Darling I'm fine just a little bit of allergies a nap should help now let's go upstairs."

I take her word for it and we head upstairs having our normal conversations.

America's POV:
I feel bad for lying to him.

Yes I'm feeling a little under the weather but not being able to tell him the real reason sucks.

We make it up to our room and get changed.

I'm wearing a comfy shirt and shorts and he's wearing a t shirt and pants.

I cuddle up with him until I fall asleep.

Only wondering how did I get so lucky and how amazing our life together is going to be.

A/n: ya Ik that's a really short chapter. Next chapter should be longer and definitely more exciting than whatever I just wrote. Because I did a terrible job at this chapter. Anyways thanks for reading <3
-with all my love jelly signing off

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