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America's POV:
8 years later

It's been a little over 8 years?

Honestly I don't know. I have four kids and I'm queen.

I obviously can't tell how much time has passed since I had the twins to now.

It's Amberley's birthday and the kids have decided that for her gift they want to have a performance.

It's a lot of work... because I want to take care of Osten the newborn, Kadens four years old and doesn't pay much attention, and since Eadlyn is going to be queen one day and is in that bossy little girl phase there's been lots of fights between Ahren and her.

"So how's rehearsals going." Maxon says walking in to the room.

"Daddy!" Ahren says.

"It's been going." I answer " here take your youngest son" I pass over Osten to his dad.

"Ahren get back here we need to show daddy are dance!" Eadlyns little voice echos in the room. "Sit sit"

He kisses me on the head and sits down next to me.

We watch the kids perform there little dance.

"Bravo that was excellent." Maxon cheers.

"Ok we have an hour to the party so go get ready." I tell the twins.

"Mommy I'm tirwed." Kaden whines.

I pick him up "can you take a really fast nap for mommy."

He slightly nods and my husband chuckles

"I love you." He says

"Love you two." I say back.

Maxons pov:
1 hour later

"This party is amazing." I tell America

"I hope it is.I planned it a week or two ago." She breathes out.

"Thank you so much for this dear." My mother comes up to us and thanks America.

"Your welcome. Happy birthday" she tells her back
"So she can call you dear but I can't." I tease

We all break into laughter "of course she can." America says

"Happy birthday mom." I speak

We spend about an hour or two dancing and conversing with guest and also enjoying the lovely spread of food.

"Mommy daddy can we give grandma our gift." Eady begs.

"Yes you can sweetheart just let me get everyone's attention." America says.

She runs off to go get her brothers ready to do there little dance.

"Ok everyone so the little royals have a surprise for there grandma Amberley so if everyone gives there attention to the stage get ready to watch the little kids of the palace." America's voice rings through the room

She gets off stage and over to me holding a camera up.

The kids start there dance and then I hear another little voice behind me.

"Why do they get to be on stage! I want to mommy I want to be on stage.!" Josie whines

"Momma is she can be on stage I want to be on stage." Kiles voice also fills the air.

Then Marlees kids are fighting and I'm wishing Eady invited them to join.

"Ask auntie Mercia if you can also go up there later." Marlee whispers to her kids

"Fineeee" Josie says in a crying whining voice.
"Auntie Merica can can we also be on stage to." Josie tugs America's dress a little to.

She think for a second "how about after there done you two and them can come up with a routine together ok."

The kids finish there dance and everyone starts talking again America and I to Marlee and Carter. Lucy and Aspen happen to join us to.

We all hang out and my mom also comes over to hang out with us along with a surprisingly drunk Magda.

"When America was a baby she would never listen to me and some days wouldn't want me to to hold her. She was such a daddy's girl she never wanted me." Magdas drunkenly says.

"Ok mom..."America says. "After the kids do there second dance your going to bed."

A minute later the kids came back and did another dance.

I got it all on camera.

I can tell my kids are tired and done. So I decided to do something different.

"I'm going to take the kids to bed."I whisper in America's ear.

She looks shocked but then kisses me on the cheek and nods. "I'll be up in a few."

With that I take the kids up to bed.

America's POV:
Maxon taking the kids to bed.

I must be dreaming.

The parties died down to where I can leave without it being rude.

I go upstairs get ready for bed then go to the kids room to kiss them goodnight.

I get into there room and nobody's in there except for baby Osten in his crib. I take him out of his crib and hold him and bring him along with me.

I go to the kings suite and still can't find them anywhere.

I decided to ask a guard and he said that he say Maxon go up to the roof or that way a few minutes ago.

I walk up to the roof and I see a tent set up with pretty lights.

I walk into the tent and see Maxon and 3 out of 4 kids snuggled up with a book. Yet they are all asleep peacefully.

Before getting under the blankets with them I snap a few photos.

"You found us" Maxon mumbles

"I did." I whisper.

"I love you." He barely says.

"I love you to." I say just below a whisper and kiss him.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face and my family around me.

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