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America's POV:
4hours later
I called  Celeste and told her everything about the invite.

She said hers wasn't fancy and all she got was the invite part and how she wishes that she got a fancy letter and blah blah.

But now I'm packing my stuff to go to the wedding.

I have no clue why I'm packing three weeks early but it gives me something to focus on so that's good I guess.

I finish packing and go eat dinner with my family.

" so have you made a decision?" May questions

"Ya I talked to Celeste and now I'm going to the palace in three weeks."

"Whoooohooo!" "I knew you would make the right decision I just knew it!" May screams.

"I hope you have fun when you go."
Mom says.

Time skip three weeks later two days before the wedding.

Kriss POV:
I'm so so so excited!

I'm getting married to the love of my life in two days.

Today all of my guests get here once they get here and Maxy poo and I greet them I'm going to lock him in his room.

I don't want him going off or talking to anyone here.

I mean Ik America won't be here and I trust Maxon

I just want to make sure that he can't sneak her in or leave before the wedding.

I'm going to have to find a way to occupy us tomorrow so he has absolutely no way of leaving my side till the wedding.

Or since I'm all buddy buddy with the king I can get him to give my Maxon more work that he leave.

I don't know yet.

I walk down to where we are meeting the guest and Maxon is nowhere to be found.

He should already be here but not to worry his meeting probably just went on longer than it should.

America's POV:
Celeste and I got out of the car that brought us to the palace and it looks exactly the same.

The gorgeous garden with every type of flower imaginable and a beautiful fountain with nice crystal clear water.

The inside looks exactly how it looked when I left to just with some more decorations probably for the wedding.

"Im back!" I hear Celeste says in a high pitched voice.

I watch as Kriss and all of the other selected run to each other hug and catch up.

Some of the girls leaving there husbands behind to talk to the prince.

The squealing and congrats are all drowned out when I lock eyes with him.

Hello, I'm kinda just posting this story as i please right now since I have nothing better to do. I hope your enjoying reading the story.... I actually hope people are reading the story!
- with all my love jelly signing off <<3

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