The end!

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Third person pov:

Many years later...

Ahren and Camille have been married and Eadlyn and Eikko have just had there first child Kerttu. Kaden and Josie are engaged and Osten is living his life as a 16 year old boy.
Maxon and America still as in love as ever decided to travel the world for two years after Eadlyn got married.

"Not the right wedding again"

Eadlyn and Eikko happily married with there daughter and ruling as queen and prince consort have the perfect life... so it seems.
A little while after Josies and Kadens wedding there happy marriage becomes not the best marriage and one of them becomes not the best ruler or partner.

hear more about Eadlyns happily now in "not the right wedding again."


Thank you so so so much for reading this. If you enjoyed it I'm so glad you did! I'm starting on the second book "Not the Right Wedding Again" and it out to the public !! Again thank you so much for reading this and supporting this story! Thank you for the kind words in the comments.
And a special thanks to Daugular01  Kittymeowmeow157

Thank you all for reading this story!

The end

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