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America's POV:
Tonight we will plan Amberley's escape pretty much.

"So why are we here again?" Marlee says

"Well we trust you three to come up with an idea to save my mom without giving America away or giving them like 1.9 billion dollars." Maxon says.

"Well....? I'm sorry to say but did they really try and track them because if not I am no help." Marlee speaks.

"We know where they are there about a 1 hour drive from the palace." I say "but from what we have been told there is absolutely no way that we know of to get in the base."

"It's probably underground something well the side entrance."Aspen finally speaks up after thinking for a minute.

I look over to Celeste and she looks like she's in her own world.

"Umm earth to Celeste?" I ask and wave my hand I front of her.

No answer.

"I've got some vodka and I can ask a maid to get us some drinks." I lie I'm not gonna let anyone drink until we find a way to get Amberley back.

"Wait who told you and why are we celebrating now?" She quickly says.

"Told us what we just wanted your input on how to get Queen Amberley." Marlee says.

Everyone nods.

"Oh! I'm sorry and I'm now a teeny tiny a speck bit embarrassed." She chirps up. "Oh and I've already come up with a plan but idk it's a little risky."

"WHAT IS IT!" Maxon shouts going over the table and practically breaking Celeste's shoulders.

"Calm down maxy boy I'm getting to it jesus." She says and rolls her eyes.

Celeste pov:
I don't know if I should be excited or not.

Do I tell them Nat and I are married but also can't tell anyone because it's technically still again the law and I don't want to seem annoying.

I mean ya I love America and she would do anything for me and I'm the same but making her change a law because of her friend who already grew up spoiled just seems so greedy.

Anyway I'm pulled out of my thoughts when America starts talking to me.

Yadayada yada.

"So anyways gets my plan, we print out either a faker check or literally print out 1.8 billon fake dollars and give it to them and then get Amberley, well....."

Maxons pov:
"And then get Amberley, welll ...." She says

"Well what get on with it now I'll do anything you like just tell me the plan." I plead.

"Well we give them half first get Amberley then give them the other half it will probably take them like a week to figure out that all of its fake, but make sure to throw in like actual 1$ bills or whatever." She says.

"That's a pretty good plan." Aspen says.

I run out the room getting guards and maids to start on this rescue mission and ask a maid to get everyone a round of shots.

"One round really?" Celeste ask.

"I mean unless you want an extra because I can't have any I'm still breastfeeding ya know." Marlee says.

"And Aspen or Maxon you can have mine I'm not really in the mood for shots." America says.

That's strange normally she would partake in at least one but ig we are kinda of busy right now.

America's POV:
We did it we're gonna get Amberley back.

Maxon got us all some shots to celebrate but I don't think I should have one right now....

"Are you ok?" Maxon whisperers into my ear

"I'm fine just not in the mood." I whispered back.

Suddenly there's somehow more alcohol and even Marlee has had a sip.

"So you guys how is married life?" Celeste ask

Everyone says good back to her. Aspen and Lucy got Married in March and they are so happy.

"It's great why do you ask."

"Well Natalie and I are married but like we legally aren't married."

"Why didn't you tell us I would have officiated it and gotten rid of the law." I say shocked.

"We didn't want to ask for any favors plus we didn't know how the country would react to you doing that.

"That doesn't matter so how long have y'all been married?" I question

"A month."'she blabs

"A Month?!"

"Yep, anyway ima get a cab home see ya tomorrow." She says and stumbles out.

Maxon and I go to our room and get ready for bed.

"Tonight was a success."

"Indeed it was." He says and falls into a blissful sleep.

A/n: ok so for the story timeline I had to like change the month..... so in the story it's now August. Don't worry there is a reason behind it being August and you can guess because it shouldn't be hard to guess why but I won't say the exact answer. Amberley will be rescued in the next chapter so ya! I'm sorry for leaving on cliffhangers but it's fun and I like writing like that ok. Anywho
-with all my love jelly signing off

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