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Maxons pov:
It's the next day and we are all finally settled in our cabin in Switzerland.

This was a pretty pricy trip but I'll do anything for my America.

Today as are first full day we are just hanging out getting things ready for Christmas.

Since Gerard and little tiny Astra are the only ones who still believe in Santa I've decided not to put all the gifts under the tree, especially all the ones for America.

"Hey Maxon." May runs in grinning from ear to ear.

"Uhm yes?" I reply wondering why she ran all the way here from the town nearby.

"Can I borrow your camera for a moment?" She ask.

"I guess but give it back soon I have planned a date with my wife in 45 minutes and I'm going to need my camera." I say.

"Great!" She runs out grabbing my camera from the bag.

Everyone else was outside but me, I'm the one that still has to do a tiny bit of work.

It's more just papers that I was going to sign but forgot to.

30 minutes later

I finish my work and go outside with the rest of family.

"I saw May running off with your camera about 30 minutes ago." Magda says.

"Ya, speaking of which I'm going to need that camera back..." I said

"Maxon hunny, we can just let her use that one you bought like 3 extra you still don't know what your getting for Christmas." America says leaning her forehead against mine as she finished speaking

"I guess your right dear." I whisper

"I'm always right but since your pointing out your wrongness I'm not your dear." She says and kisses me.

"Now let's go on that date." She breathed

We excused are selves and left to the spot we set up.

America's POV:
The gazebo is gorgeous.

There's Christmas lights, holly, and a wonderful picnic set up.

We walk into the gazebo and to both of our surprises it's heated.

"This is wonderful." I say in awe

"It's really nothing I just put this together quickly." He said and sits down.

We laugh eat and talk and even without the camera he wanted to use we still get wonderful footage and pictures.

Tho it's almost always snowing it started snowing but in really pretty flurries.

Maxon turned on the radio to some very old Christmas music.

"Would you like to dance my lady?" He laughs in a more serious tone.

"I would love to." I giggle out.

We dance for what feels likes hours.

"I think it's a little too cold now my husbandness"

"I love you to much to admit but indeed I am freezing my butt off right now."

We both walk hand in hand back into the warm Cabin.

Two days later
"It's Christmas!" A voice echos

"Wake up now! Today is my day and I say we start with presents!" Geared screams

"Now now little boy we have to eat breakfast and watch the Special Christmas Report that's going on with a little bit pre recorded." Maxon says shoving Gerard a little.

"Cwismas!" Astras toddling voice vibrates "satna came!"

"Yes he did." Kenna says jovially.

Mom and Amberley cook breakfast together and we eat and share things that we are happy and grateful for.

"I'm grateful for my beautiful, wonderful, amazing, gorgeous, kind, loving wife and my two pride and joys she's growing inside her right now." Maxon says finishing everything.

"So not your family, country..., palace, friends, money, ect ect that you have. Just mostly your wife and the two kids your wife is having which makes you love your wife even more than you already did so...." May jokes

Everyone else laughs and we all continue on the conversation.

The report seemed to be delayed so we decided to open gifts first.

The sound of ripping wrapping paper, James asking for all the wrapping paper to put in the trash, echos of thank yous and I love it fills the room.

Maxon really spoiled me buying me jewels, crowns, dresses, shirts, pants, and even some baby supplies and pictures.

While I did get a ton of baby stuff I mean they already can have whatever they want but all this handmade and book items is a little overwhelming.

I take Maxon to our room for a quick second and give him the two gifts I wanted to give him in private.

Maxons pov:
America hands me two boxes.

I open up the first one and it's the newest and best camera on the market with extra goodies and things to go with it.

The next box is smaller and only has one thing inside of it.

It's a watch made out of a collage on it and the words "tugging my ear always" engraved on the band.

" I love it." I say teary eyed

"Your welcome." America says then kisses me.

"The reports coming on!" My mother shouts from downstairs

We all sit around the tv watching carefully.

"Ok so we are- in- a- situ-ation; right now so quickly here's the King and Queen then on to the very quick news." Gravil says.

"Why is it cutting out." I hear Kenna whisper.

The thing it showed was just America and I announcing our pregnancy and telling the country to have an amazing amazing Holiday!

The tv then cuts to Marlee and Carter who appear to be in a SAFEROOM?!

"Hello I'm Marlee Woodwork I'm the Queens lady in waiting and I just so happen to be one of the first castless person in Ilea. But I can't talk long as you may be able to tell the country is under attack we are literally filming this in a- .... She cuts out.

Like miss frills said Illea is being attacked yada yada but you know what? Why You all are suffering because I decided to pull a trigger and like have my men try and murder everyone the king and queen are in Switzerland enjoying a nice vacation. See oh look there's some pictures and is that live footage of them I think it is! Well It's About to be My country and as my first declination is murder the royal family and torture there friends. A strange man says and smiles

We all sit in shock till we start hearing gunshots and yells from outside.

A/n: bum bum bum! This was option yes... the attack is option yes so ya! I might kill someone next chapter we will see how I feel. (Most likely won't but we never know) anyways thanksgiving reading. I hope you are enjoying and I will see y'all next time.

-with all my love jelly signing off 🥰💖

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