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America's POV:
Today's going to be great!

Today's going to be stressful!

Today has to be perfect!

It's Maxons first birthday with us together and everything has to be perfect.

I've planned a small party... well small for royals that is. It's mostly just friends family and other royals and advisors that kinda have to come.

Im getting ready for the party Marry, Anne, and Paige all glam me up like they normally do when there's a party or something special happening.

Im wearing a blue dress that's not to light but not to dark. It's regal yet has a teenagerish look to it. My makeups light but noticeable and my hair is pinned in a extravagant bun.

Once I'm all glammed up and look nice I go to Maxons office.

I knock and walk in.

" Hello dear." He says looking up from his stack of papers.

"Happy birthday love." I say and kiss him.

"Thank you."he smiles and kisses me back.

"I've got a surprise for you now get up." I shout very excitedly

"Ok ok but I have work to do." He said getting up.

"It's your birthday it's practically a national holiday now come on." I tease pulling him out of the room.

We walk downstairs and into the ballroom that's all decorated for his birthday and people start popping out and saying surprise and happy birthday.

"Thank you everyone." He says cheerfully.

"Happy birthday darling." His mother says hugging him.

"Thanks mother."he says

We make our rounds and eat some food before people start giving him there gifts and saying nice things about him.

Before we get ready to eat cake I take his hand and walk us out to our bench.

"What's going to happen when they realize the birthday boy isn't at his own party." He laughs

"They will be fine. We are out here so I can give you your gift." I tell him.

"Ok... so where is it?!" He ask excitedly

"It should be here in April." I quietly say.

"What do you mean?" He ask with a look of confusion on his face.

"Your gift won't be here till sometime in April." I say

I look at his face go from confused to realization then to the happiest person alive.

"Are- are you..." he try's to say

"Yes." I whipper shout

"I'm going to be a dad." He says starting to cry  happy tears

Maxons pov:
I'm going to be a father.

I place my hands on her stomach and look her in the eyes and kiss her.

We pull back and my face suddenly sinks.

"Wha- are you ok?" She ask

"What if I'm like him?" I cry "what if I'm like my father and my kid hates me"

"Maxon your nothing like him and will never be. Our child will love you no matter what and I just know your going to be the best dad ever." She said while looking into my eyes

"I love you." I say holding my America in my arms.

"Love you to, now we gotta keep this a secret until we're ready to tell everyone."

"How far along are you?" I ask

"About three weeks." She says

Three weeks she didn't tell me for three weeks!

"I'm sorry for not telling you but I wanted to surprise you." She says

"It's totally fine. Now we have a party to get back to." I say and kiss her hand.

We go back to the party and have cake and speeches.

Everything is going swell until a drunk looking lady walks in. Upon further inspection of seeing the person I automatically knew who it was as went to hide America.

"Maxon what the-" she try's to say until being cut off by a gunshot

The rebel alarm goes off and everything goes a mess.

I scoop America into my arms and start running to a safe room.

Once in the safe room suddenly America goes limp and I'm now faced with another person who just had to fall in love with me.

A/n: don't worry this may be like a terrible attack or whatever but America will be fine...... physically mostly we can only hope. Anyway sorry to leave ya on a cliffhanger. I hope you enjoy the story so far. And I'm so happy that anyone has read this far!!! Also these will be the last chapters coming up soon so ya that's happening. Thanks for reading.
-with all my love jelly signing off.

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