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Amberley pov:
I was walking back up to my room from the women's room when this odd man with a red bandanna grabs me.

And that's all I remember.

I wake up in a small room, it seems to have a thin piece of memory foam,some chains,and I think some blood as a added touch.

"Wakey wakey grandma ." A mans voice says.

The man walks into the room "admiring the decor."

"It's actually not to shabby for a prison of course you could add a fe-"

The man stops me before I can finish "shut up lady."

He turns on the light.

"Trevor!" He screams

"What?!" A traveling voice says.

"You kidnapped the wrong you dingbat."

"What do you mean I kidnapped the queen? You all asked for the queen."

The man slaps Trevor.

"Wrong QUEEN idiot." He yells.

I'm kinda just watching this happen as I have absolutely no clue what to do.

I'm not really worried that I'm not going to be found because out of anyone right now Maxons going to make me 2nd priority....

I still don't understand how I'm 5th priority to that boy I mean I'm his mother.

I should be 1st or 2nd but nooooO, his dear love of his life the one that he never stopped talking about America is priority 1-4 and then 9-20.

I'm thrown back into reality when I remember what's happening.


"I forgot that there's a new and what she looks like." Trevor says quivering

"How do you forget what the queen looks like she looks like a Weasley from that ancient book!"

"A who?!"

"Fine in your language that very old and ugly musician Ed Sheeren!"

"Ahh ok"

They keep yelling each other back in fourth for like 20 minutes until one leaves and says something about Whites.

Maxons pov:
I've been pacing in my office or about three hours now.

"Darling just take a break and think" America's soft voice echoes in my ear.

"I can't think my moms missing!" I say running my hands through my hair

"She's strong even if she's in some rebel base she will live." She says

"Your right dear." I say sitting down next to her.

"I'm not your dear.... But your moms been kidnapped and you look like your about to break down so I'll let it slide." She says.
I chuckle.

A few moments later a guard walks In the open door with a laptop in hand and a serious face.

"Your Majesties" he says bowing "we have info on Queen Amberley."

I sigh in relief.

"So what's the stitch?" I ask

The guard sets down the laptop and it appears I'm now on a video call with a rebel.

"Hello kingy boy." The man says.

"One of my soldiers has made a mistake and has captured your mother instead of your darling and may I say attractive wife."

"So if you want your mommy back unscathed then your going to have to give us your wife if you want her back with a few cuts and fractures then give us about 1.9billon or you can do none and we torturer the old lady and kill her off. Choose your poison Maxy boy."

America grabs onto my arm, "what do we choose."

"I- I don't know it's definitely not letting you go or having my mom die but.... Idk if I could give them any money at all."

"You have three days then we start hurting her ok little one." The man says.

I nod. The screen goes black and I call the guard over " go track where they are and once you find it go in and invade. "

The guard nods and leaves the room with the laptop in hand.

America kisses my cheek "I think I can get us some help...."


"Aspen and Celeste. Aspen because I mean he's like a head guard or whatever we made him and Celeste because she might just say a random idea ooo and get Marlee to she also has good ideas I mean with her we wouldn't be married."

"Ok we can have a dinner with them tomorrow night." I say.

"Great." She says then kisses me.

A/n: that chapter was a little longer. I am stretching this story out as I have like one more idea and then I might wrap it up we will see when we get to that part of the story!  Anyhow I hope you have enjoyed so far if you do and if you want to comment and vote! Ok that's all.

-with all my love jelly signing off 💕💕

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