Authors note

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Hey guys jelly here I'm just gonna say a few things and ask a quick question.

First off I am starting school in like a few days and though I only really write at night and post at night I might forget to every once in a while and if I ever EVER feel that it's getting to much for me to update or if I ever loose motivation for this book I won't just leave you guys hanging I will actually just finish it up and not leave it unfinished. (I'm not ending the story I'm just letting you know that)

Another thing is I had and idea of another alternative ending but for  Eadlyn's selection(no not keadlyn but also not fully her and Eikko) but I don't know if I should tie it into this story when the time comes or make it it's own separate book? Idk you can help make that decision.

If there's anything else you would like to say or help or any tips for me tell me if you want!

-with all my love jelly signing off 💕💕

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