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Quick authors note the wedding chapter will be chapter ten! So this may also be a sorta long chapter. Enjoy!

Maxons pov:
As I kiss America I feel sparks fly. There is nothing around us and no worries, just me and America.

She pulls away and looks at me with her icy blue eyes. With little whispys of brown hair from the wig she's wearing in her face. She catches her breath and starts speaking quickly and with worry.

"Omgomgicantbelilveididthatyourgettingfingmarriediishouldgo." She spits out.

"What?! I have no clue what you just said." I say perplexedly.

"We just kissed and your getting MARRIED!" She answers.

" ok and.?"I nonchalantly say. "I"m the prince I can do what I want."

"Just because your the prince gives you no reason to cheat on your fiancé I'm gonna go." America said. By the time I was able to ask her to wait she was already gone just like that.

The next morning
America's POV:
I can't believe I did that. I can't believe he did that. After I ran away I went straight to Celeste.

Well I tried to but instead of walking into a room to have a nice conversation about my life, I walk in on her with a guard or another guest I don't know. Anyway I walk in on her.

After that event I went to my room took off my wig put on the pajamas I brought from home I got in bed and thought it out.

It's the next morning and I let my maids Lucy,Anne,and Marry make my wig look all nice then get me all glammed up. We also talk about old times from the selection.

"I wish you were the one getting married tomorrow." Marry states. "The only good thing about you not getting married is how much work us three have to do."

We all laugh at Marry. Then I direct the conversation to Lucy. "Speaking about weddings..." I quietly say.

"Aspen and I are getting married in March and your invited." "Is that what you wanted to know about mizzz singer." Lucy says annoyed at the fact I put the spotlight on her.

I roll my eyes. "Yes I guess that will be enough information. Speaking of Aspen where is he?"I said.

"He's probably with the prince getting his finishing touches on his suit. I mean he is the best man." Lucy says. "Oh ok thanks."

"Oh miss your almost late to breakfast." Anne chips in. "America would of been better than miss but ok,I'll see you later." I tell her and leave for breakfast.

After breakfast.
Kriss pov:
Once my maids finish getting me ready for the wedding rehearsal I make my way into Maxons room.

"Hello love" I say sweetly.

"Hello dear, you look ravishing." Maxon says. How is it he always knows just what to say and saying words like ravishing makes me feel like the most fantastic girl in the world.

"So do you" I say back to him. I try to kiss him in the lips but he turns his head slightly making me kissing him on the cheek.

He definitely saw my face drop a little bit so he pulled me in for a small kiss. "We should get going now" I whisper.

We pull back and link are arms and walk down to where the ceremony will be held tomorrow.

Since it took us so long to figure out a date for the wedding we have to do the rehearsal today so everything goes absolutely positively perfect tomorrow.

We get down to the Chapel we are getting married in and it is the prettiest the place has ever been.

On each side of the pews purple and white flowers are hung. There's a gorgeous chandelier on the celling with white and gold streamers tied to it going to all corners of the room. A white velvet carpet has been rolled from the stairs where the alter is all the way to the big oak doors that have purple and white flower wreaths.

"Its all happening!" I squeal. "Indeed it is dear." Maxon says kind of monotoned.

"Isn't it wonderful." Sylvia says walking up to us with the queen not far behind.

I curtsy to the queen while saying "It really is I love it so much thank you for helping me put this all together."

"Oh it was no problem you really did all the work I just got it set up." Sylvia said.

"It's stunning Kriss." The Queen speaks up. She never really talks to me I've tried to get close to her but every time I try to hang out with her she's always busy or with the king.

"Maxon dear your father is stuck in a meeting so he won't be able to make it to this rehearsal."Amberley says softly. "It ok mother I understand."

"So are we going to start the rehearsal or what. Amberley and Maxon go to to your spots Kriss go to the doors and start walking down the aisle when I say go ok" Sylvia says.

We all to our places and the procession down the aisle starts to begin.

Maxons pov:
The procession starts, my groomsmen walk down, Kriss's six bridesmaids walk down and then she starts walking down.

As Kriss is walking down the aisle I see her looking at me and smile but then I search the room for brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

Once I spot America's eyes my smile grows and she smiles back then she nods her head telling me o should probably pay attention to what's happening.

Kriss has already made it down the aisle and Sylvia is explaining what happens next. I look down and see how somehow my hands are intwined with kriss's and she's looking at with tears in her eyes.

I suddenly started paying attention when I hear the words "the bishop will ask if anyone objects to the wedding" that's when I turn my head to my mother and Celeste.

Mother already knows about my plan and after I chose Kriss Celeste came up to me with a fake smile congratulated us and gave me a look that said get away from Kriss for a moment.

When I did she was by the door, I asked her what she wanted to talk about and she took my ear dragged me into a empty room and slapped me. She had told me that on the wedding day she would object to the wedding drag America next to her and make a whole scene.

So I told her about my plan and she just went along with it.

1 hour later:
The rehearsal was finally done.

I thought I would be able to leave and go do some work or something but no.

Aspen grabs my collar and takes me to some small get together with him Carter and I to have some sorta boys afternoon.

We watched a few movies had a few drinks and Cater told us what married life is like.

We just enjoyed what they thought would be my last day as an unmarried man.

A/n: that was like 1198 words. So far being the longest chapter I've written!the next chapter is the wedding chapter!!! Whoohoooo I can finally write what I have been wanting to write but didn't have the guts to do so. Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter!
-with all love jelly signing off

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