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Maxons pov:
Today's America and I's first wedding anniversary.

America being 6th months pregnant has either forgotten about or has been stressing thinking I've forgotten about this past month.

"Honestly I don't think the country even knows when we got married." I tell America

"Right now I didn't even know if we are married." She groans

"I like it this way it's special for us." I say.

"Ya I guess." She pauses "normally I would want to at least have a small party but I really don't feel like it can we just hang out today maybe eat dinner in are bedroom watch a movie."

"Sure! We need to spend some alone time together anyway today will just be more special." I said

When she said a chill day she really wasn't kidding.

We layed around all day. It's now dinner and I'm having maids bring us some food.

"So what should we name these kickers?" America ask. "I'm thinking the one that kicks a lot should be Annoying and the other one should be Not As Annoying."

"I have no clue." I say

"Well gotta think of something."she sighs

We finish are night by eating some food and taking a walk in the gardens.

Since this is the only part I planned I've hired someone to take photos.... That person is Lucy.

That's my gift to America I invited Lucy and decided that Aspen should get a few days off of work to.

"Surprise!" Lucy shouts jumping out of a bush with my camera in her hand.

"Hi Lucy! I've missed you so much." America says and try's to hug Lucy.

"Maxon" Lucy says handing me my camera

"Thanks." I said "these pictures are amazing."

"You knew about this?" America laughs

"I might of known a little about it." I echo out.

"So how long will you be here?" America says bringing the conversation back to Lucy.

"I might just say for until a week or two after the babies are born it depends." She answers.

After about 5 minutes of conversing outside America and I decided to get some rest.

"I enjoyed today." I say.

"Same,probably the calmest day in ages." She says

"Yea probably." I tell her "I love you my dear."

"Love you to..." she says taking a deep breath

"I'm not your dear though." She mumbles

A/n: ok I'll try to get back on schedule for the last like 2 or 3 chapters ok. This chapter took forever because it had no planning to it so very sorry that it's short and sorry that my writing hasn't been the best in a while. Anyway I hope you enjoyed that final filler chapter. Thank you so so so much for reading.

-with all my love jelly signing off

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