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America's pov:
"I really am sorry I didn't tell you or anyone about Carter and I having a baby"Marlee says.

"It's ok I understand. My only question is why didn't I ever notice?."

"I did I good job hiding it."

Marlee and I are in the women's room today may be my first official day as queen but Maxons sleeping off a hangover and as of now the country is still celebrating.

"So how old is the baby?" I coo looking at the beautiful baby boy in her arms.

"He's about 4 weeks old and his name is Kyle ." She says smiling.

"Adorable, I can't wait till Maxon and I have kids." I sigh.

"It's very painful and tiring but worth it." She talks looking at Kyle.

We stay talking in the women's room until I decide to get some work done.

About an hour or two of working and planning Maxon sluggishly walks into my office.

"Morning dear." He says and kisses me.

I roll my eyes "afternoon my royal husbandness."

He looks at me and his eyes look like there gonna fall out of his head.

"Its the afternoon what time is it?!" He yells

A guard looks in then turns when he notices nobody is in trouble.

"It's 2pm but you should rest maybe we can have tea with the Woodworks and there new born." I softly say.

"It's are first day as king and queen."He states

"Yes but the country is still celebrating so let's go outside and have some tea." I said.

We go outside and ask a maid to get Marlee,Carter, and the baby.

We chat and catch up for a while until the rebel alarm goes off.

"Your Majesties hurry and get to a safe room!" Officer Tanner shouts.

"Marlee you go first with Kyle if anything you two are more important than me and Maxon." Yell

She listens and goes in front of me and then the rest of us run into the royal safe room.

As soon as we get to the room I maMe my way over to a cot as I feel very light headed and all in all not very well at all.. As soon as my head hits the softish pillow I'm out like a light.

Maxons pov:
With America and infant asleep Marlee Carter and I decide to just continue our conversation from a few minutes ago.

After about three hours a guard comes in and comes up to me.

"5 prisoners have escaped." He whispers.

"Which ones if you know?" I ask

"Mr and Mrs. Allen's, Mr. Hansen,Mrs.Willams, and Lady Kriss Ambers." He's says in a hushed tone.

I'm taken aback by the news and thank and dismiss the guard.

After that I realize my mother isn't in the room and I haven't heard or seen her since I've been up.

I start to worry until I remember that there's like 100 safe rooms near the common areas she's normally in.

I decided to think of what to do some of the most dangerous people we have arrested and we're going through questionings have just escaped.

Once we were allowed to leave I take America to her room and fall asleep next to her. Wondering what in the royal world will I do.

A/n: I feel bad for writing so late at night but it's literally the best time I get ideas. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm sorry for leaving you guys on sorta cloth hangers but it's kinda fun. Anyway have a lovely day or night <3

-with all my love jelly signing off xoxo 😘

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