Chap 3

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Maxons POV:
2hours later

This is exactly what I thought would happen.

My mom and I fighting Kriss on if America should go to the wedding.

"I don't want her at MY wedding maxon!" Kriss screams

"Why not it's my wedding to you know!" I yell

"Kriss it's tradition all of the elite should be invited" my mother try's to get through.

"I don't care if it's tradition I don't want that redhead at my wedding!" Kriss spat.

"Oooo look a new wedding rule no redheads with blue eyes" kriss added.

"Why don't you want her at the wedding?" I ask

"Because I don't trust that skunk anywhere near you!" Kriss seethed.

All a sudden the room shakes when the door opened.

"Father, what are you doing in here?" I ask as I bow

"Well son I'm here to make sure your making all good decisions since you've selected a date for your wedding." He says calmly yet sternly.

"Yes we have it's going to be on the the 4th of January." Kriss tells.

"Actually sir that's what we have been discussing since we have a wedding date we need to send out the invites." Kriss states.

"Obviously." Father says

"Clarkson hunny we were just arguing if we should invite Lady America." My mom says softly.

"Well if you want my opinion I don't think you should invite that 5 she was a bad influence on Maxon and shouldn't have even made it to the elite." Father spat and walks out.

I'm taken aback from what he had said and tried not to show it.

"Well I guess that fixes it." Kriss says "she's not coming."

A/n: and with that chapter 3 has ended it took me slightly longer to think of what to add for this chapter but I'm glad I thought of something!
- with all my love jelly signing off 💕💕

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