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Maxons pov:
Lay Americas passed out body on cot in the dark room.

Once I set her down and make sure she's ok I run my hand across the wall and turn on the light.

It's a dim light but it's bright enough for me to see the other person in the room.

"D- Daphne?!" I whisper yell

"Hey Maxie boy." She says in a flirtatious tone.

"What are you doing here and why would you knock my wife out." I spat.

" I'm here to save you on your birthday" she flirts "I just don't want her near you I mean she's always with you dose she even know of personal space."

"Correction I'm always with her, I'm the one that doesn't give her space." I correct

She rolls her eyes "that's what she wants you to think sweetie."

She starts to step closer towards me until I'm up against the wall and she's towering over me.

"You are so lucky she's not unconscious... yet" she teases.

I hear a groan and before I can even oust Daphne to get to America Daphne kisses me.

"Get off of me!" I shout not caring if any rebels hear.

Daphne looks taken aback but I don't care as I quickly walk over to the cot America's on.

"What what happened." She whispers

"There's been an attack, we are in a safe room with Daphne... you got hit and was knocked out for a moment." I say

"Oh okay, is the baby fine." She looks over at Daphne then at me.

"The baby should be fine we can get that checked as soon as we can" I whisper and smile

"Daphne lovely surprise." She says sitting up.

"Ohh America glad your um awake..." Daphne quickly said.

"So how are things, I heard you got married last month?" America says

I forgot she was married but me forgetting is fine it's the fact that she married kissed me.

"Oh- it's great" Her voice starts going higher

America's POV:
"Im glad to hear that." I say

She seems nervous I don't know why and she's looking at my husband in a not so I'm married type way.

Maxon turns to me and whispers something into my ear "she kissed me, I yelled at her to get off me as soon as it happened. Im so sorry."

My face drops not from the fact that another person kissed my husband but from the fact he is sorry for something he didn't do.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault." I whisper back and kiss him.

He looks weary yet relived

A couple hours pass by and we are finally released.

"Your Majesties I know you two must be very tired but I would like to inform you we have caught the escaped rebels. Two have been shipped off and Kriss Ambers is in a cell with the highest security." A guard tells us.

"Great, we will deal with her tomorrow." Maxon says

"Oh and your family and guests are all safe, very minor injuries."

"That's amazing." I say

The guard bows and leaves and we head to our room.

"I'm going to take a shower." I say and start walking to the bathroom.

"You mean we will be taking a nice warm bath." Maxon states and picks me up.

"It's like 1 in the morning." I laugh

"And we have nothing to do and technically my birthday ended very quickly, and you do owe me something....." he says and kisses my neck.

I roll my eyes " I do have your gift it's just not ready yet.... but fine just because your such a great husband."

He smiles and we go to the bathroom and take ourselves a royal bath.

"I love you."

"I love you to my dear. And I love you to baby." He says and rubs my stomach.

A/n: chapter is doneeeeeee. I also have no ideas right now for what the next chapter will be so it might just be a huge time skip we will see. Ok not that huge just a few months. Anyway I hope you enjoyed I know these chapters are a little lackluster but I'll come back one day and edit them :). Love y'all thanks for reading, and if you have any ideas for a chapter tell me!!
-with all my love jelly signing off

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