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Maxons pov:
It's been about 4 months and everyday is just as busy as the next.

With America being pregnant, us taking forever on how to deal with Kriss, starting to get rid of the caste, and just more work in general we have been going almost non stop.

But today we are taking a break. We are going to the doctor and seeing the babies gender.

I say babies as we're having twins! I still have doubts about becoming a father but everyone says I'll do great.

I finish getting ready for the day and go find America.

I find her in the women's room and knock on the door.

"Come in"

I walk in ad see my beautiful wife laying on the couch reading a magazine and talking to Marlee.

"Morning dear." I say

"Good morning." America says back

"Morning to you to..." Marlee sarcastically says.

"Hello." I tell her. " Love we have to go now."

She smiles "bye Marls see you later."

She struggles a little to get up but I help her out before she can even ask me not to.

America's POV:
I struggle a little bit to get up, but as always Maxon is by my side to help me up.

I'm getting huge and I'm only 4 months pregnant, tho I am having twins this just feels like to much already.

We walk over to the medical wing and let a nurse know we are here.

We get seated in a room with the normal check up stuff and the doctor comes in.

"So if the chart isn't wrong you should be 18weeks by now?" Doctor Asalhar says.

I nod in approval and they continue talking

"So today we will get to see the babies gender, unless you both don't want to know then we can just make sure there alive and well." They say.

"We would love to see the genders" I answer

The doctor then puts the cold gel on my
Stomach and takes the ultrasound thingy and moves it around.

"Ok it looks to me that baby a is a boy, and baby b is a girl." They said.

I look at the screen and see my two babies and then I look over to Maxon who has tears in his eyes.

He kisses me quickly and whispers "I love you and I love both are babies so much."

Doctor Ashlar cleans up the gel, prints and gives us the ultrasound photos.

Maxon and I leave the medical wing and decide to take a walk outside.

We go over to our bench and sit.

"I'm so happy." He says a rubs my hand.

"Same here." I sing back to him

We sit and enjoy each other's company.

"Christmas is in a few weeks." I remind myself

"I almost forgot about that." Maxon says

"It's are first Christmas together married and our last Christmas with just the two of us." I sigh.

"I never thought about it that way." He talks back.

"We should go somewhere." I perk up

"Like where?" He ask

"I don't know maybe a cabin somewhere cold. If we can't do that we should at least go to Carolina and visit my dads grave." I say

"I can arrange that." He says "actually let's just us two go to Carolina for a few days then all of us as a family your mom and siblings and my mom should go to a cabin somewhere."

"I like that idea, but then who will run the country?"

"We can let it decent into madness for a few weeks." He laughs

"But if we can't go at all this year we can start the tradition and do it next year." I say.

"Sounds like a plan." He said.

Suddenly it gets colder and since neither of us had a jacket we walk inside hand in hand.

"We have to tell the country about the babies."Maxon says.

"I forgot about that we should definitely tell them that we are expecting soon...." I chat.

"We can do it before are Christmas vacation." He chuckles.

I laugh to and we spend the rest of the day hanging out together.

A/n: ok so number one I didn't know how to spell doctor Ashlars name so it's spelt differently in like two thingy. And I also don't know like what pronouns to use for doctor Ashlar so I used they/them for now.(I'll come back and like fix it one day) anyways... I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for reading I love everyone who reads this!!
-with all my love jelly signing off 💖

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