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Maxons pov:
I am the calmest and happiest I have ever been.

I'm taking America to Greece. We will stay there for two days and the only thing planned is us getting eloped and dinner. I'm thinking about taking her to France after for the remainder of our trip.

I planned this as soon as she woke up and told me that we should get married as soon as possible.

The plane starts to land so I kiss her to wake her up.

"Good morning again." I say

She stretches and yawns "are we there yet?"

"We are in fact." I said

A moment later the plane made it safely to the ground.
"Thank you for flying Air Ilea,have a wonderful time here in Greece." One of the flight attendants says over the intercom.

People start to get up around us but all I can see is the complete awe and shock in America's face.

"You set up a trip to Greece in like 20 minutes." She says

"Well kinda, I just changed our flight and the place we are staying." I say and kiss her on the head.

We get off the plane and out of the airport and into the car I've rented.

"Since when can you drive?" America ask whiles looking out the window.

"You would be surprised at some of the things my father wanted me to learn." I chat back.

We continue conversing until we get to the hotel we are staying at.

"It's beautiful!" America sighs.

"Not as beautiful as you my dear." I say

"I may be your dear but you still shouldn't call me that." She says playfully.

We get into are hotel room and she gets changed into something "that would be more appropriate for us to elope in"

She gets dressed and then we leave to go to the place we will get married at.

Amberley's pov:
I heard that America and Maxon were finally home when I woke up this morning.

It seems way quieter in the palace today. The guest leave tonight and Magda and the rest of the family are leaving sometime tomorrow.

I find myself wandering into my sons room to see if he's awake and to ask how he and America are doing.

When I walk into the room I don't see any signs of Maxon or America. I go knock on her door and nobody answers, so I walk right in. And like Maxons room there is no sign of anyone being in there.

I decided to look around the gardens and library's and yet no sign of them.

"You haven't happen to see my daughter Amberley?" I hear a voice say.

"Nope no signs of America or Maxon." I answer back.

I turn around and see two redheads.

"Afternoon." May says and curtsies.

"Where could they be I've looked everywhere they could go." I say.

"We've also been looking and the only thing we have found is a note in Maxons room." May says.

"Well what did it say, can I see it? I ask.

Magda gives me the note," it mostly says my advisors and my mother know what to do see you soon. From Maxon and America." She says while I'm reading the note.

"So I'm guessing they ran away." May says gladly.

"Yes but to where?"

"I don't know but they will probably show up tomorrow morning."

Americas pov:
There we are!

Just Maxon and I running along the beach smiling and laughing like complete idiots.

"I love you my beautiful wife"

"Love you to my royal husbandness"

A/n: I think I'm going to start posting every other day for now. Hope your enjoying the book so far! If you have any ideas of situations or anything that you would like to see tell me! I love you all and thanks for reading.

Ngl I had a thought of ending the story here but I have some ideas so I can't just yet.

-with all my love jelly signing off 💕

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