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Maxons pov:
"Where is she!"

"By now she should be unconscious on a truck." Kriss says calmly.

"And where is the truck supposed to go?" I question strictly.

"Well everything in the truck is going to the base in Kent, and they have only just left the palace."

"Guards. I want you going to all proveniences that could take you to Kent from here and stop all trucks here in Angeles and on the route. Search them all."

"I will be going with to find her in Angeles and the whole way to Kent if needed."

"Take her the cells and have 24/7 surveillance. Until I can question her and pick a punishment." I yell as I'm walking back inside.

Celeste pov:
Before the guards can get Kriss I walk to the middle of the aisle and punch her right in the face.

I attempt to beat her up and cuss her out until she's being dragged away by guards and Natalie is behind me trying to calm me down.

America's POV:
I wake up to the realization that I am no longer home and that I'm in a truck with a dude who looks to be in his late twenties.

I look down at myself trying to remember what has happened in the last 20 or thirty minutes but I then see that I'm somehow not in my wedding dress anymore but I'm in what looks to be my undergarments and some type of sack.

I look to the dude next to and when he sees I'm awake he says.

"Look the girls awake, I told Kriss to use something better to knock you out but she never listens."

He takes something out of his pocket and injects me with it.

And yet again I'm in total darkness.

3hours later
Maxons pov:
Those stupid rebels got a thirty minute head start!

As soon as I get America back we will get quickly married and off to our honeymoon.

We've searched about 20 trucks already and none of them were rebels.

As we were making it into Fennley we see one truck at a stop.

3 out of the 6 guards searching with me went to go and search the truck. When one of the passengers of the truck got out we immediately know that it's the rebels since they are all wearing a red bandanna.

As one of the guards searches the truck one questions the passenger and the other calls for back up and a helicopter to pick us up so we can get back to the palace quickly.

I get out of the truck not only to stretch my legs but to also try and get into the back of the rebel truck.

I spot Aspen looking at me.

"Your going to get yourself killed." He whispered.

"Well if dying saves my love I'll do it." I whisper yell back at him.

I get out of our truck and make my way to the back of the rebel truck.

I somehow get the back door lock open and spot my America passed out on the floor.

I run to pick her up not noticing the dude next to her.

When I did notice him I saw that he looked to be about 28 asleep and drunk.

So I quietly scoopedAmerica up and ran to the van.

Waiting calmly for the helicopter to take us back home and to stitch up the gash in her head.

A/n: ok chapter is done!  Only five hundred sum words. I hope you are enjoying the story.
-with all my love jelly signing off 💕

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