The Search

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Narrators POV:
As the months trudged along, and with hearts still heavy, Ms. Pauling swore to her supervisors, to the administrator, and to herself, that she continued her search for a new team member. Pauling wanted someone "sparky", as she described, "fresh" and "young" to maybe bring laughter and happiness to the team again. The engineer didnt take the news well, and replied in a half-hearted grunt, still unhappy with the new "replacement". As she pushed her worries away, she rode into town, with high hopes of finding this "perfect" person.

As the dust rose around her small moped, she parked into the neighboring town, in hopes of finding a new face. After asking some unsuspecting customers and staff in the nearby stores and restaurants, the emotion of the faces she asked answered her question. She left slightly discouraged, not giving up. As she closed the door to the diner, she was lost in her own mind as she didnt realize the person she bumped into.

"Oof," Pauling said, startled and taken aback.

"I-im sorry! i should watch where im going," she said quickly, fixing her disheveled glasses, and pushing her hair back into place.

The stranger chuckled, and helped her fix her glasses. "Its alright maam, no biggie"

Pauling picked up papers that got away from her hands while she collided with the woman in front of her. Smiling awkwardly she looked up. It was a woman no older than her, who was dressed in sweats with a black t-shirt on. She had blue/green eyes with freckles. The girl had orange mid-length hair with creme highlights. She looked maybe twenty or more.

"I-Im terribly sorry, I didnt mean to run into you, i just get ahead of myself, so i apologize."

"It aint a big deal, everyone falls into someone sometime" the girl stated, softly putting her hands in her pockets as she smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks, again im sorry for that, its just people around her arent the kindest sometimes" Pauling was quick to add, looking away, trying not to fumble over her words.

The red-headed girl laughed. She asked further if Pauling was ok, and to which Pauling answered a small "yes".

"You look like you're lost, could i help with anything?" The girl stated, trying her best to make up for running into her.

Pauling beamed with that question, smiling broadly, "You could! Maybe we can talk over coffee. Im actively trying to hire a new employee for the company i work with. I was wondering if we could do an interview, since we're in desperate need for a new candidate" Pauling said joyfully.

The girl nodded but slightly taken aback, curiousity across her face she asked, "What company do you run, im good with my hands and physical work, but not for the dainty secretary crap" she snarked half heartedly.

Ms. Pauling exhaled softly then made a slight clicking sound with her mouth, turned and rummaged through her bag, pulling out a business card, she handed it proudly to the girl. As the girl read the card her face brightened some, then darkened. She put the card away and looked at Pauling.

"I would love to join, but the business there is slightly.. grotesque, if you get my drift."

"I do, actually," Pauling stated back, gloomy.

The girl laughed and shook her head while smiling. "About that coffee though, im starving. Wanna talk over lunch?" she offered, a smile on her lips.

Pauling nodded and the two talked as they headed into the diner near them. Finding a table for both of them, they sat down and began laying out about the offer and the details.

word count: 624
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