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Annies smaller form continued to cry in Spys arms. To her, this was her entire world collapsing, her stress levels were high, and she never knew how to truly deal with that. Usually her comfort was to train, or fight, or just tough it out. Leaning on someones shoulder, especially his, was way out of her comfort zone.

Her emotions twisted with guilt, anger, then even happiness. She clung to his pinstripe suit and cried into him harder, her voice becoming hoarse as she sobbed. Thin wisps of smoke eventually danced around her shoulders, but Spy soon batted them away when noticed.

After a while Annie ceased her sobbing and looked up at him, their eyes locking. Even as she was being held, she couldnt read what was going on in his mind. Was it boredom? Anger? Disgust? She couldnt tell, soon she internally gave up and flicked her blue eyes away. Instant shame and guilt washed over her, eating her thoughts away until she choked out an apology, for again, crying on him. Theyre relationship was odd, but even for how distant they were this was the second time Annie found herself crying to this man. Something about him made her turn a switch off in her brain, and just let her emotions free.

Spy rose a thick brow to her apology and Annie swore she felt him laugh, maybe more like a sharp exhale (lol). Annie continued trying to pull herself together, she was exhausted and just plain drained. Her mental state had been decreasing since she was out of the academy and it finally just snapped, everything adding up slowly and the tower finally fell.

Annie sat up from Spys hug and blink rapidly as she moved her sticky hair from her face. She flicked her eyes at the man in the front of her and cracked an awkward smile. A huge sigh rushed out of her lungs, as her eyes danced about the room, trying to find something to focus on to maybe ease the awkward tension.

"Do you want me to leave?" Spy commented, in a monotone, yet serious voice.

Annie looked at him as her eyes filled with hot tears again, shaking her head no. Her back starting to heat up as thin lines of smoke took off. Spy said nothing but leaned forward to brush the smoke away, nodding softly that he understands. Everyone has a breaking point, and for some reason Spy just had an itch to help her through it.

As soon as she stopped sniffling she ran her hand over her nose to clear the mucus away. "Im really sorry, i just, couldnt keep it in and im-"

"Its alright, i understand" is all he said, a blank expression on his face but his eyes uncovered that he cared.

Spy stood up and walked around the bed and held out her hand, hesitantly, Annie took it. He led her to the bathroom and before she could as Spy turned the bath on. Annie sniffled a bit and almost started to sob again but Spy was quick enough to give her a tissue to soothe her down. He got supplies and dry towels out for her, soaps, scrubs and such under the sink Annie hasnt touched or opened yet.

"Where those in there the whole time" Annie choked out, her lip quivering into a frown. Her whole face was red from crying, her throat and eyes burned and she started to get a headache.

Spy chuckled at her response, but didnt turn to face her as he dug under the cabinet.

"I put them there for you, as a home-warming gift, i didnt realize you havent used them yet" he admitted.

He turned around and held two bath gels in his hand, his brow pinched together, thinking. He held it up to her, then the other one. He shook his head then handed one to her. 'Vanilla Sandlewood' it read, the fragrance was lovely, smelled like vanilla and incense like scent. Annie smiled softly as she took it and stepped back as Spy went out of the room, towards her dresser. He dug through the drawers until he fetched a nice t shirt, a sweater, and some sweats. He folded them, then handed them to her.

Soon his eyes met hers and he smiled briefly. "Go, relax and meet me in my smoking room after, and no more tears" he added softly after, then softly shut the door and exited the room.

As he left the bath was full, which Annie turned it off. The water was hot but she could handle it. Slipping off her sticky clothes, she slipped in the bath..

word count: 790
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