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Annie looked awkwardly at Spy for any reaction, which is little on his side. He pinched his brow for a moment but then narrowed his eyes. He honestly didnt know what to say, he wasnt the best at comforting, given how cold he normally is. Maybe it was a mistake coming in here and pressuring her to talk..

Annie sniffled softly then looked away, almost bursting out in uncomfortable laughter. She sat up, confused that she really just admitted that to him, she swept her hair out of her face and started laughing. She choked out a cackle, her eyes rimmed with tears at this point and she cracked a smile, turning to him.

"Im so fucking sorry dude" she apologized, her voice cracking into bits..

Before Spy could get a word out she continued, blinking rapidly to chase tears away, her throat burning and her eye brows creased upwards in distress.

"I literally have no idea what im doing with my life, or whats left of it for that matter.." her words came out so broken and quietly, even through the silence of the room Spy could barely hear her.

"I underst-"

"NO, you dont" she screeched, her voice becoming more and more distressed. She was breaking and it was evident.

Spy looked shocked, he didnt think she genuinely would snap at him, no one really did. Sure theyd be rude back or ignore him for his remarks and comments, but no one honestly just... snapped. He swallowed nervously and adjusted his tie awkwardly, unsure of if he should leave to give her space or not.

Annie looked away, hot and heavy tears dripped off her face and onto the covers of her bed, she exhaled shakily.

"Im.. sorry."

Spy said nothing as he let her continue, just softly shook his head. He did understand.. to an extent.

"I just am so unhappy, sure i get paid now and im able to do things better and actually take care of myself, but, how the fuck am i just supposed to be... normal?"  she explained rapidly, her voice wavering at parts, her erratic eyes darted between him and her hands in front of her.

"I dont know how to handle myself now. As you know," she rolled her eyes and laughed sarcastically, then continued, "I wasnt really raised like every fucking kid you meet." she snarled bitterly, venom dripping off her words.

She couldnt help her talents, gifts, powers, whatever anyone wanted to call them, or even how she was raised, it was just everyone elses fault right now, it just couldnt be hers.

Her lip quivered as she nervously glanced at the older man near her. Who sighed in exasperation, unable to figure out how to help to his extent of what he could do. He blinked at her then stood, for a moment Annie was convinced that he was just going to leave her alone in her room, but he didnt. He got up, went to her bed.... and hugged her.

The embrace was tight, and knowing, as if he too, as cold as he was, had felt this pain before.

Thats all it took, Annie crumpled into his arms, sobbing and sniffling, her nose soon becoming congested. She didnt know what else to say, other than mutter 'im sorry' over and over again.

Spy shushed her, and slowly rubbed her back as she began to hiccup. No smoke surprisingly came out this time, hopefully it lasted because someone may see or smell it. Spy cradled her in his arms and inhaled her scent of her hair, it smelled like flowery shampoo and conditioner, normal for a girl but something felt different, she just was different, and he couldnt explain it.

She smelled like smoke and ash, reminding him of his own smell from his smoking habit, but with her, it just smelled.. good. He softly sighed and shushed her crying, hoping to rid her of her anxious thoughts and worries. He thought maybe she just need an outlet to cry, something to distract her, and maybe, someone to soothe her...

word count- 707
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AN: i legit almost cried during this OML comfort was needed during this whole damn book LMAO

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