A Little Secret

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"Medic.. i want to tell Spy." i said, hopefully sounding confident, when honestly, im not even a little bit.

"I just figured he'd seem like the type to figure out anyway" I chuckled nervously, balling my hand until the knuckles were white.

Im nervous about this, and worried, Spy seems the type to be bought fairly easy, so im worried as hell he'll weasel his way around and tell everyone. I could feel my heart beating faster, i clenched my hands, feeling sparks slowly erupt, i started to breath deeply.

Apparently Medic picked up on this, "Are you alright? It seems when you get stressed or upset you clench your hands and begin to breathe funny, are you in pain?" he asked, a quizzical expression on his clearly tired face.

"No-no, no, im alright, promise," i tried to smile, it was a feeble attempt, ill admit.

Annie smiled slightly at the Medic. She then opened her hand, revealing small embers floating out of it, along with small sparks shooting out of her fingertips, giving her hand a orange glow.

"This is why i clench my hands, force of habit, i dont need anyone seeing that," she chuckled.

"I.. dont always shoot sparks," she admits, "it depends with my mood im guessing. When im angry, and i mean infuriated, smoke rises from me, like literally floating off of my shoulders, i looked like doused charcoal," she laughed.

"Other times when im mad, or really upset, i leave charred footprints around," she smiled, "i had to go barefoot a lot before i could manage my temper" she continued, feeling better to open up.

Medic placed a hand on her shoulder, then her cheek, rubbing it slightly he smiled. Annie held on to his hand, and smiled back. Then, the moment was over, as the metal doors creaked open, a strong smell of booze engulfed the two. Crinkling her nose, Annie turned, and saw the Scottish man, wobbling in.

"Ah! Demoman!" Medic said, letting go of Annie, "how are you my friend? Anything i could do for you now?" he asked, maintaining a professional attitude.

"Aye.. c-could youuu" he trailed off, blinking rapidly, he refocused, "Ach! could you help patch my knee? I was building some wee explosives for this weeks battle, and the fucker almost exploded! Threw it down i did an-and it scratched me good it did!" he stated rather loudly.

Annie gathered her things, slipped her black high tops on, and made way for the door, she paused before leaving, turning to Medic she smiled sweetly, and mouthed 'thank you'. Cranking the door open she made her way to her room, which was surprisingly two doors down and across the hall.

Slowly and quietly shutting the door, she made her way back to her new room. Trying the handle, it wouldnt turn. Confused, she tried it again. Until she was waggling the handle, praying for it to open.

Sighing, and not wanting to wander for hours hoping someone was up, and not daring waking anyone else up, she crouched down, putting her jacket on the ground near her. She put her right hand on the knob, and let her fire flow out, a small flame was seen, blue, and hot. Trying to be quiet she made it slightly go bigger, before she could get it easy enough for the door knob to melt off, she heard footsteps and a hand grab her shoulder.

She whipped around, and choked her indigo flame, "O-oh Medic, my door was stuck so i thought it would be best if i tried to use my flame to-"

"Jésus, je ne suis pas le docteur" (jesus, im not the doctor) the voice said gruffly, surprising Annie, a bolt of fear went through her. Now she knew who it was, and she was not happy about who.

"S-Spy?" she said scared, and then annoyed, "What the hell are you doing for sneaking up on me!? Dont you have better things to do!?"

"I do, matter of fact, like asking why your persistent shaking of the door handle is so loud?" he sternly questioned, his eyes narrowed, like a hawk.

Annie was furious at this point, this is not how she wanted spy to know. Trying to hide the half melted doorknob, she held her hands behind her back, and pressed against the doorknob.

Spy, seeing right through her attempt as to not answer, grabbed her chin and leaned in dangerously close, "Im going to ask this once madame, what where you doing?"

Refusing to answer, Annie stood there, angrily making eye contact with the frenchman. For the first time, getting a good look at his features, she noticed he had a sharp jawline, a 5 o'clock shadow as well, and beautiful grey blue eyes. His eyes reminded her of a cloudy summer day. Getting herself out of this train of thought she once again regained her composure and angrily stared down the man.

"I was just trying to get into my room now fuck off." she snarled, using her usual coldness to get people to back off.

"Tsk, youre such a child, no more than that boy, Scout!" he quietly commented angrily. Whipping her around and pushing her away from the door by her arm and shirt. She growled softly and looked at the frenchman in panic, who stood there in udder surprise.

He stopped, staring at the knob, "How did you do that to the doorknob, you dont have a lighter or anything in your hands either, girl." he stated, he held her wrist tightly. Eyes examining both Annie, and the doorknob, which was still a faded orange, her distraction not giving it long enough to cool

Picking her up by the wrist and hauled her up, ignoring her cry of pain, dragged her to who knows where.

He eventually Annie brought to the medbay. Annie tried to fight, but didnt dare wake another soul for fear of them questioning her too. The Spy cracked the door open, then swung it completely open, not once letting Annie go. Demoman nowhere in sight. Hearing the commotion of between the door being flung open, or the struggle of Spy holding Annie by the arm, who was groaning and struggling, Medic whirled around like he was about to be attacked. Seeing Spy holding Annie he furrowed his brows.

"Spy, whats the meaning of this!?"

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word count: 1080

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