Find Whats Lost

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"An 'X'??" Annie groaned, rubbing her temple she glared at Spy, searching his eyes for an answer.

He looked at clueless as her, nothing sprinting to mind of what this could mean.

Glancing back over the mark, he noticed it was slightly wet, indicating. that the mark was fresh. Another thing too, he found fingerprints near the mark, small ones, probably someone's index finger and thumb.

Flicking his eyes back to Annie, who just stared at him, he came to a decision of what exactly happened.

"So the mark is wet, which means the paint couldn't have been set within the past 2 hours, maybe less" he paused, trying to collect his words.

"there are also fingerprints here, and here," he pointed at the marks, "which means whoever set the paint was also clueless enough to leave their prints here.."

"Which means it was someone who hasn't done this before" Annie concluded, overlapping Spy. He nodded his head in approval, surprised she caught on so quickly.

Smacking her hands together, Annie clambered over books and approached the window pane. Pushing slightly, the frame popped out. Quickly catching it before it could shatter, she set it down gently, and shooed Spy out of the way.

"Let me see.." she mumbled to herself, ducking under the upper window, she shimmied out of the window, and onto the roof of a porch below. Standing on the covering, she motioned for Spy to follow.

They both stood outside of the room now, eagerly looking about for clues.

Annie looked towards the ground, and found more splotches of blue paint, mixed with footprints of the Scout. The prints led off of the roof, and a trail out and towards the end of the base.

"Jesus how did this guy get in, i thought you guys had the perimeter covered!?" Annie huffed.

"Sometimes Scouts are sneaky," Spy admitted.

"Well let's figure out where this bastard came in at, because his buddies might know that spot as well" she growled.

I'm going to burn this fucker a new hole in his face
Annie growled, her hands sparking.

word count: 398
AN: sorry for the short chapter!! have been sick recently and school has been eating up my time :'). So i wanted to post a small chapter at least you guys could catch up some, hope you enjoy and make sure to vote :DD

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