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Medic rounded the team up, and as everyone making their way back to the main base, he walked with Annie, hands behind his back, he walked in a professional manner.

"Ah! There you are, good job on winning!" he said, smiling widely. "Could i..." he paused, looking away slightly with rose tinted cheeks, clearing his throat he adjusted his glasses, "could i invite you to my office for a celebration? We could talk more of your.. gift" he mumbled, trying to stay quiet.

Annie smiled at him, put her hand on his shoulder and nodded.

"Of course! Id be happy to join," she said cheerfully, the doctors face drained of worry.


Around two hours later, Medic finally took care of everyone, stitching and patching up who needs it. After he was done, Medic tried to look presentable, the slight spatter of blood and his messy hair and sweat was not suitable for Annie, he thought.

He took a quick shower, after getting out, he dressed in a white button down, and some khaki pants. Putting on deodorant, he cleaned his room some. Making it look not like a complete disaster. Not hearing a knock, the door opened to Spy. Seeing the doctor in different attire, and smelling clean, he narrowed his eyes.

"Getting ready for something important, hm Medic?" the frenchman said cooly, knowing whats going on.

"Ah! Spy, and yes matter of fact!" he stated cheerfully, not aware of the frenchmans cold attitude. Turning, he almost ran into the man, his eyes widened, as he didnt hear him approach.

"Its not a good thing to have dates with our co-workers." Spy spat.

"Its a 'dinner', Spy, and dont get so mad over it. No hard feelings." Medic smiled back, his eyes narrowed.

The Frenchman groaned, extremely annoyed. Rolling his eyes he pressed.

"Focus on the team Medic, not your coworker!" he snapped.

"Ah! So you could!?" Medic laughed mockingly, "Dont think i dont know how you stare at her, trying to get closer to her. I've seen it, you act cold but as soon as you saw her you've taken an interest." he snarked back, getting closer to the man.

Their faces were inches apart, mad like two dogs, they glared at each other. Spy huffed angrily and cursed in French, he turned and gave one last glare to the doctor, then left.

Annie made her way into her room to change, throwing on a blue, white and brown striped sweater, jeans, and her shoes, she pulled her hair up and left to go to the medbay. Going down the hall she saw Spy storm out, muttering to himself.

"Hey are you o-"

"Don't speak to me girl" he snapped, not even looking at her.

She stood there dumbfounded, then stormed to the medbay. Opening the door, she found a disheveled medic awaiting her. His hair messy, his glasses crooked and his shirt wrinkled. She looked around confused.

"M-Medic?" she called out sheepishly, the doctor turned around and adjusted himself.

"Ah! Annie, i did not see you there" he chuckled.

Taking her in, he realized how she was dressed more comfortable compared to what Medic was dressed as.

"What was wrong with spy?" she queried, leaning on a file cabinet.

"Ah, that, sorry about that," he explained, "Spy is being rather, vexing, if i must say."

Dusting off a chair he motioned for her to sit down. As she sat, he sat. To which they both sat in silence. Cringing at the awkwardness, Annie stared ahead, not looking at Medic. By the grace of God, Archimedes flew down, and landed on Medics head. Struggling some, the bird flapped his wings, climbing up and down Medics head, ruining his hair. Annie burst out in joyous laughter, hiding her face and trying to calm down, Archimedes persisted his little climb.

Medic joined her in laughing, and tried to get the bird off. Being the little devil he is, Archimedes decided he was happy nestling into his hair. Cooing quite angrily when being re-located, he pecked at Medics hand. The doctor scolded the bird, as set him down on the table. A few moments passed as the bird waddled around, Medic looked up at the girl, who was still staring at the fat bird.

"Annie, may i...... ask a question?" the doctor stated, fixing his hair and glasses he leaned across the table and leaned on his elbows. Annie looked up too, and slightly stiffened as Medic changed his position, sliding his hands towards her, he grabbed her hands gently, clasping them together with his.

"S-Sure, what did you have in mind?" she replied, slightly nervous.

"I want you to show me your fire, please, my darling?"

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word count: 806

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