Anger Burns Brightest

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Sparks POV:
Outraged by the mans words, she snarled, "And who the fuck are YOU to tell me what i am and aren't?!"

Whipping her arms wide out, she almost hit Pauling, who was trying to defuse the situation.

"Guys, please calm down, we need to focus-"

"Focus!?" Engie roared, "On this weak little girl? She probably doesnt even know how to hold a gun!" he snapped.

"Oh but I do know how to hold my tongue you grouchy bastard" Sparks spat back, feeling her hands spark slightly, trying to contain herself, she held her hands firmly, and took a deep breath.

The commotion of the two yelling brought in some guests. A large man, clambering around with a small boy, who could be heard shouting before he was in the room.

"Aye yo whats with all the yelling? People are tryna have a peaceful fuckin' day dude." The boy remarked, a heavy Boston accent clambered out his throat.

The larger man grunted in agreement, clearly being annoyed from it as well. Pauling tried to quiet the other two down, but Engie only yelled louder, while Sparks yelled back.

"I literally have just met you and i dont want to argue with you dude, fuck off-" Sparks snapped back, still clasping her hands and being done with the conversation.

"Oh you're just a fucking kid, you don't know anything about this job, or the way we live to survive." the engineer seethed, lowering his tone.

Sparks noticing more people in the room, she looked up, all eyes on her. As she made eye contact with the large man and the young Boston boy, she exhaled loudly. Looking towards Pauling she rolled her eyes, clearly done. Before another statement could be made, the frenchman ushered the texan out of the room, trying to calm him down, and that he would be with him shortly.

Returning, he started cursing in french, making remarks towards this interaction. "Cet agrument me fait mal á la tête, et cette fille a un tel caractère!"
(this argument is making my head hurt and this girl has such a temper)

Sparks snapped her gaze at the tall man, narrowing her eyes. Muttering a insult back, the mans eyes widened she forced an angry smile at the man. Wanting this idiotic interaction to be done with as soon as possible. The french man clicked his tongue, muttered something about Sparks acting like a child, and vanished, literally.

Sparks widened her eyes, obviously impressed, "so that was the spy" she thought.

Turning her eyes back onto the (hopefully) two other people in the room, she noticed the young man eyeing her up and down. She rolled her eyes at him as he slowly walked up to her, a smile written on his face.

"Were gonna have a fucking problem if all you do is argue, toots" he smirked, crossing his arms and sauntering around her.

Not having anymore nonsense, Sparks just rolled her eyes but said nothing.

"Im not tryna argue" she spat, annoyed.

Pauling cleared her throat as the young boy was coughing slightly, smiled then stretched, heading to a table and leaning onto it. "Ok, now that was an interaction," she sighed, rubbing her temples, "absolutely NOT how i wanted this to go.."

After collecting herself for a moment she sighed, cleared her throat once more, and looked around the room, she laid eyes on the Boston boy once more, "Scout, can you round everyone up for me, and leave the engineer to cool down, thanks" she insisted.

Scout got up and quickly jogged out of a door on the other side of the kitchen, Sparks, surprised at his speed, raised her eyebrows slightly. She turned her attention to the big man in the room, who was silent this whole time.

He nodded at her then spoke, "dont worry about little man, hes angry because hes dealing with loss, loss is hard." he said gruffly. His accent surprised Sparks, deep and rich with a foreign tongue.

"Thanks, Heavy," Pauling warmly said back.

The boy called "Scout" suddenly came back, slightly running into the door. More men were heard behind him, too many accents, to distinguish how many people exactly. Sparks heart was racing, hoping she would not have the same interaction as she did with the engineer. Behind Scout tailed behind another tall man, wearing shades, and a hat. He walked quietly, and sat in the back of the room, peering at Sparks. Spy followed in, obviously annoyed with another voice, soon to be tailed by a loud Scottish man. He was slurring his words, obviously drunk. Another loud speaking man entered the room, wearing a helmet. He was talking with the scottish man, talking about bombs.

Sparks rolled her eyes, not impressed by him. Yet she continued to watch them file in, last but not least was a tall man with a 5 o'clock shadow, round glasses, and a white lab coat on, with a red cross on the sleeve. Obviously making it known he was the teams doctor, she carried on to silently stand still and observe everyone. As everyone silently sat down, and noticing a new face, gazing or plainly staring at Sparks, Ms. Pauling spoke up.

"As harsh as things have been these past couple of weeks, or months, i have made it my personal mission, and the teams mission, to not leave a hole in our hearts. Luckily from searching for a new crew member, i have made a clear choice. Today, i present, our new red team member, pyro." she stated boldly, obviously proud in her choice.

Their gazes turned to Sparks, who stood their calmly, who was then nudged by Pauling, motioning her to speak.

Sparks stepped forward, being implied to speak to the new coworkers. She kept a neutral face to establish she was not some sniveling cry baby.

"As Pauling stated, i am sorry to have to replace someone, who is obviously, held dear by this team. It was not my dream to replace a loved one, but i will try my ever damn best to help cope with the loss. Im there if you need help, and i expect the same" she commented on the last sentence, trying to get the message that she was not to be like a damsel in distress.

As she wrapped up her short speech, she stood and took in her surroundings. This would be her new family, her new life, her new everything. She stepped back and let Pauling take the floor, who motioned for the teams doctor is come forward. He nodded and stood, walking with bold steps. As he approached they began to converse quietly about a "treatment" or "surgery".

Surgery always made Sparks clammy, having had tests for her unusual gift at a young age. The relentless poking and prodding always made her annoyed and wary.

After Pauling excused herself from the doctor, she made her way to Sparks, "Everyone is here, and Medic," she motioned at the doctor behind her, "will do a necessary examination on you, just protocol, with someone with your..... gift... i could understand you would be unsure around medical professionals." she smiled awkwardly, trying to not make Sparks worry.

The Medic came up from behind Pauling, put a hand on her shoulder, smiled and said rather warmly, "Ill take care of her Ms. Pauling, no worries here." The german accent rang in Sparks mind, joyful and clear. Trying to make the raven-haired woman relax

word count: 1255

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