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The wonder of the moment was over, Spys face drained of his star-struck demeanor, and then switched to his stone cold personality.

"You say youre sorry, but then you sneak out. Why do it in the first place," he hissed, sighing.

Annie didnt reply, she only stood there and stared at the ground. She was tired, yes, but she needed to get away from everyone for a moment. Glancing up at Spy, she saw his fierce demeanor through his mask. He rolled his eyes, and continued.

"You had me and the doctor very worried, its the middle of the night and we have to come and find you" he spat. Drawing a cigarette from his breast pocket, he inhaled longly and exhaled smoke.

"Listen," Annie said, fed up with the scolding, "Im sorry, i just... needed a moment to calm down. This week has been nuts, ok!?"

"And it will continue to get worse," Spy commented cooly.

"Wait what?"

"We have our first fight since youve joined us first thing tomorrow, which is why i want to go to sleep, and not come find you." he snarked.

Annie swung her arms out, annoyed and embarrassed, "Fine, fine, lets go to bed."

She bent down and snatched her things up, and started to stomp off. Medic shuffled after her, glaring at Spy as he passed. Spy snorted rudely and rolled his eyes, catching up with the two. As he walked he heard shushed whispers between the two ahead. Straining his ears he caught small fragments of their conversation.

"Do not worry Frauline, he is only cranky, he always is matter of fact, but he was just worried." Medic explained, smiling at the girl.

As everyone reached the base the tension between them all cooled down. As Annie slowly slid the door open, they each made their way to their rooms, bidding another goodnight. Spy wanted to stop Annie and confront her about the event, but didnt. He watched her go into her room, and clicked the light off.

Sighing, he put the cigarette out, and went into his own room. Removing his shoes, jacket, and finally mask, he looked in the mirror. The table-top mirror enhanced his naturally gifted features. His shaggy, yet neat chestnut hair, grey streaks breaking through. His sharp jawline, with slightly enhanced cheekbones made him look rugged, old, but in a good way. Removing his gloves he ran his fingers through his hair, and sighed. Spy took his tie off and laid everything down, locked his bedroom door, and got ready for bed.

As he lay there in his bed, he could still smell Annie, his face softly turning a dusty pink, he smelled where she was laying. He noted how she smelled, earthy, and fresh. It was Annies smell, and he loved it. Curling up. he softly thought about the girl. The way she smiled, her beautiful hair, her voice, her jokes.

He felt upset at being rude earlier, but Medic was right. He was worried, he couldnt help it! He blushed at the fact, but he couldnt believe he was so hung up on her leaving. Spy thought he lost her forever. Groaning softly, he screwed his eyes shut, determined to drive away any thoughts of Annie, craving sleep and peace.

The last thing Spy saw was outside, through his pained window, the endless and dark night sky, then drifted into a deep slumber.

I bid farewell to Annie, the girl seemed like she was on another world, then she shut her door without a word. Entering my own lab, i beckoned for Archimedes. He fluttered down onto my hand, i am thankful for this little guy. He's helped a lot when i am dealing with emotional problems.

As Medic stroked the little birds head, it seemed to realize that there was something wrong with its master, so it cooed back, rubbing its small white head against Medic. Medic smiled fondly, and set him on his shoulder.

"Nein, my friend, everything is all right." he smiled weakly. Walking over to his sink near the lab, Medic splashed his face with water, determined to get her out of his head.

When he was done, he dried his face and hands and set Archimedes down. Kicking his shoes off he went to bed on his small twin bed, closing the medical curtain for a smidge of privacy. While waiting for the embrace of slumber, it never came. Instead, came thoughts.

Thoughts of her. Medic replayed the moment in his head when she was enveloped into the fire. The look in her eye was wild, and free. Her care-free spirit was something to admire, Medic noted. It was beautiful, carefree. Medics mind drifted to how pretty she was, her freckles, her wildness and determination, and how her eyes sparkled-

Medic mentally slapped himself for thinking of her like that, he needed sleep, not this. He closed his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Sighing, he took his glasses off and set them on a side-table near his bed. Rolling over he quietly drifted off into sleep.

enjoy :D
word count: 880

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