An Apple a Day Keeps The Doctor Away

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Ms. Pauling nodded at the Medic, seemingly having no more concern. She smiled at Spaks, and made her way to the door, before she reached the door, Sparks hurried behind her and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you, for everything Pauling. You don't realize how hard work is to find around this town. How can i ever repay you?" Sparks said quietly, smiling sadly.

Pauling smiled warmly, and put her hand on Sparks, "work hard, and make me proud. I dont come here often, but i think i could try to more, since we now have another female on the team." she giggled at the last part, her face a rosy pink.

Sparks smiled softly, then returned to the Medic, who made no comment of the interaction between the girls. As she approached him, she seemed more unsure of this, wanting to be back with Pauling. Sighing, she balled her hands together and spoke up to the Medic.

"Uh.. Hi? Im Sparks, sorry to cause such a commotion, you seem like a busy man and i didn't want our first interaction to be-" she waved her hands around, stumbling on her words. Before she could find the word she was soon cut off.

He chuckled softly, adjusting his glasses, he spoke in a calm matter, "Nothing is wrong, just emotions are sore right now. I have to put up with these idiots on the daily. No harm done." he stated, putting his hand on her shoulder, trying to make the red haired girl feel somewhat better.

"Pauling mentioned something about you," he continued, "and i would like to see it for myself. She stated you have very quick reflexes, and an..... abnormality? Now," he chuckled, "This may just be Ms. Pauling talking to 'seal a deal' but she had that certain glow in her eye when she talked of it. So maybe you could help me understand it more?"

The Medics eyes showed curiosity and understanding, not the usual coldness of the doctors Sparks had to deal with in her early childhood, and even now. They would be rough, and rude, not wanting to "understand" only fix. She smiled back, having him lead her out of the opposite door, past the others who were trying to leave or are still glaring at the young woman. He led her down athe main hall past the kitchen door, where more doors decorated the walls in the hallway. Peering at the doors, Sparks made an understanding that they were the teams rooms. They each had a quirk to the plain doors, a wrench for the Engineer, a spiked bomb for the angry scottsman, a foot for the Boston boy, Scout, a crosshair, a missle, a burst of fire, a fist, a knife, and finally a cross.

Upon approaching the door, Medic unfurled a series of keys on a ring, choosing a golden key with small wings and a cross on the top, he unlocked his door. The squeak of the metal doors were loud, but entering the room, was a room Sparks has never seen before. Massive and high ceilings, with beautiful windows at the top, letting in leaks of light, white doves cooing, a lot of white doves. Medic put his keys down on a nearby shelf near the door. He walked to the center of the room, a dove flew down, cooing, and chirping quietly. The doctor replied in german, talking sweetly to the bird.

"This is Archimedes, hes a beautiful bird, and ive had him in my company for two years it seems."

He let the bird flutter away and pondered off, re-organizing papers, and shooing more birds away. He washed his hands, and cleaned a nearby examination table. Archimedes came back and cooed softly, climbing onto his masters shoulder, nuzzling his neck. Sparks softly smiled at the sweet relationship between the doctor and his pet. The medic soon turned, adjusted his glasses and motioned for Sparks to hop up on the table.

"Ill go grab your chart, since your joining us, ill keep record of your normal charts, as any doctors do." he smiled, then made his way to a nearby filing cabinet. Rumaging around, he clicked his tongue, and pulled out a file. Flipping it open, he began to read, and as he began to read Sparks suddenly became clammy again, fearing the sweet doctor would soon turn into any other after reading her charts. She fiddled with her hands, desperate to get this over with.

The doctors brows furrowed and he adjusted his glasses, a dark expression on his face. Sparks could feel small embers flowing out of her hand, she quickly tried to calm herself, but couldnt, fearing she would have to leave, or be hurt or even worse, a test subject.

The doctor raised his eyebrows at the girl, sighed heavily then spoke in a calm voice, "as i stated before Ms. Schlyter, i have never seen a case like this, it surpasses Spy and his 'magic' watch. Now i can finally see why Ms. Pauling handed you over to us, even ignoring the fact you are female." he paused, at lost for words, he looked at her in the eyes, his eyes shining with mischief, "show me."

word count: 879

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