The Punished

228 17 4

(Quick AN: just a reminder to interact with the story more!! it helps this go a l o n g way- enjoy~)

Medic and Annie made their way towards the captured Blu Scout. Who was writhing on the ground in pain and fury, cursing at Heavy and Scout. Scout only sneered back.

"Hey Sparky, what da hell is he saying?!" he asked, not looking up, keeping his gaze sharp on the other Scout.

Annie laughed softly, "Basically said that you're a shit head, and some other stuff with you having intercourse with a dog" she laughed, grinning widely she stuffed her hands in her pockets and sauntered over.

Scout spit on the double, only infuriating more. Scout reared back his leg and kicked the Blu straight in the face. Hissing air through her teeth Annie knew that have had to hurt.

She crouched down towards his level and watched him spit out blood. She waited calmly, then, before he could start his furious rant towards her, she grabbed a fist full of his chocolate colored hair.

Eyes wide and maniacal, she smiled darkly.

"Hey there buddy~" she cooed, bringing an obvious amount of false happiness.

She slammed his face down into the ground, which resulted in him groaning in pain. Bringing his head back up, with a busted lip, nose, and black eye she smiled again.

"Wanna tell me what you were doing in my room fuck-head?"

The kid smiled back, a sarcastic smile at that, "Oh that was your room, chica? I knew it must've belonged to someone as whorish as you"

Twisting her face up tightly she slammed his head down with all her might. Earning reactions from the other men present. Annie stood up calmly then slammed her foot down onto his skull, making contact with the floor in a painful "crunch".

Medic put a hand on her shoulder and slid it down to her hand. He grabbed it and squeezed it warningly. She knew what he silently meant, Calm down.

She sighed, then looked to an expectant Scout and Soldier, who were awaiting orders.

"Make him talk, i don't care how. But i wanna learn how this ass got into my room" she hissed, smirking at the kid laying on the ground, still being held down by Heavy.

Growling softly, the Blu just rolled his eyes. Soldier and Scout both looked at their new prey in a hungry manner.

Jesus these guys really hate each other. She thought, surprised at the furious glares made between the two.

She turned to leave and heard Medic on her tracks. She also heard another set of footprints following, Probably Spy.

Going back to her room, she wanted rid of the two men. Not wanting conversation, she reached her room and almost slammed the door on Medic.

"W-Wait Frau! I have to talk to you!" he called out, pretty desperately. Smiling some she awkwardly opened the door, to a panicked Medic and a calmly collected Spy.

As Spy lit a cigarette to smoke, Medic ran his fingers through his hair and chuckled.

"Sorry for that, just got excited." he stated

"Ignore him mademoiselle, i wanted to speak to you privately" the frenchman said cooly, shooting a glare at the doctor.

The tension between the two could be cut with a knife. Growing aggravated, Annie just yanked Spy into the room by his tie and shut and locked the door behind him. Eyes wide, she pushed Spy inside.

He stumbled some and then regathered himself. Watching him, she crossed her arms and awaited a response.

"Sorry to waist your time, i just wanted to investigate your room so i could find the root of where the rat was let in" he stated calmly, pulling and straightening his tie.

Annie rolled her eyes, being snappy that she had yet another interruption before she could shower.

"Sure, knock yourself out" she sighed exhaustedly.

"I'll be showering because i cannot wait another second" she quickly explained.

Walking past Spy she gathered her things and made wya towards the shower, leaving Spy with his own thoughts.

Shutting and locking the door behind her, Annie set her things down, and flicked the shower on. Steam soon settled into the bathroom and she sighed happily. Stepping in, she let the dirt be washed away by hot, hot, water.

As she shampooed she heard a slight knocking. Angrily groaning she whipped her half shampooed head through the curtains.

"YES???" she said loudly, and rather annoyed.

"Sorry to disturb you, but i found the root of the problem, please, finish up then come meet me when you're done" he stated softly, trying not to make her upset.

"Ok, Ok, i'll be done in a moment, thanks Spy" she whispered yelled back.

She slathered herself in shampoo, then conditioner. Washing away the excess soap, she shaved. Once again washing herself clean, she stopped the shower. Wrapping a towel around her, she sighed contently.

"Feels so good to finally be clean" she cooed.

Drying off, she put on a tank top and some gym shorts, and threw on a windbreaker on top.

Ruffing her hair up, it was slightly dry, and curled some at the ends. Her bangs hung in her face, so she brushed them aside. Smiling to herself she picked her dirty clothes up.

Exiting the bathroom, she flicked the vent on.

"Spy? Where'd you go?"

"Up here" he called out.

Looking up, she saw he was upstairs, leaning on a bookshelf and gazing down. Beckoning for her to join him upstairs. She held her hands out and shot fire out. Propelling herself upwards she landed gracefully on top of the railing.

Spy's eyes were as wide as saucers.

"I....." coughing slightly he spoke again, "I did not realize you could 'fly' with your powers. Very.... impressive" he commented.

Annie nodded, "i don't do it much, but it's pretty fun"

Spy smiled, and then cleared his throat.

"Oh! right sorry"

He led her by the hand towards a small, dusty, and quite cramped window near a bookshelf, hidden to the usual passer-by.

"I.. did not realize this was here" Annie stated, surprised.

Spy made no remark, but only pointed to a small pane on the window.

Which was marked with a Blue 'X'

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word count: 1061

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